Christians are given The Freedom To Choose when and how to worship and we have the liberty to choose what to eat or what to wear. We are not required to approach the Lord in a set way, once a year, through an earthly priesthood, to have our sins covered. We have the freedom to approach the throne of grace at any time and anywhere for mercy to find help in time of need. Because we are given broad guidelines, we have the freedom to make personal choices. This could cause the liberty one believer enjoys to destabilize the faith of a weaker brother-in-the-faith. One believer might be comfortable engaging in a certain activity that a fellow believer may prefer to avoid because it injures their conscience. Some like to worship on Sunday, others choose a different day to praise God, while some prefer to regard every day alike. There are other controversial issues like celebrating Christmas and Easter, entering a public house, drinking beer, swimming in a swimming pool, avoiding meat or the eating of meat, playing cards, watching TV, dancing, or attending a concert. These are a few of the issues that have divided brothers and split churches, unnecessarily. It is ironic that foolish divisions and judgmental condemnation have often resulted from our freedom in Christ, but we also have a responsibility towards our brothers and sisters, especially those that are weaker in their faith. We should be sure our liberty does not cause them to stumble and we should be careful that we do not allow our liberty to stray into legalism and condemnation of those who make different choices. Rejoice in the liberty we have in Christ while learning to be considerate towards the need and sensitivities of others. May we recognize that there are actions and behaviors that may be OK for us while they are not for others. May we respect the choices and decisions of others who lack the freedom we enjoy in our Christian life and be careful not to judge others who, for some reason, are less emancipated in their faith. One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, how we praise and thank You for the freedom we have in Christ. We are not under the restrictions of the Law, but under the freedom of grace. We pray that we would make choices in our lives that honor You. Help us to heed to our instructions to be mindful of the needs of others who may be weaker in the faith, or who do not enjoy the liberty we have in You. Give us sensitive spirits to the needs of others, and keep us from any criticism of believers who make different choices in the non-essentials of the Christian faith, for His name’s sake. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. Although we should not compromise the gospel of salvation: "That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried and rose again, according to the Scriptures," there are certain minor issues that can cause disunity and disagreement between believers. Sadly, there are certain secondary matters which can fracture relationships in the Body of Christ, and this should not be. There are those that love the Lord Jesus with all their heart, but due to traditional influences, denominational leanings, legalistic instruction, exclusive practices, or the lies of the enemy, have been blinded to the liberty they have in the gospel. We are called to accept those who are weak in faith or whose spiritual maturity is lacking. We are encouraged to Be Kind Towards One Another and tenderhearted, not to seeking to criticize their developed biases or pass judgement on certain opinions or practices they may hold dear which can too often lead to disunity and a rupturing of Christ's Body. Let us receive our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in godly grace, in truth and in love. Let us flee from the influences of tradition, denomination, legalism, and exclusivity, and grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus Christ, knowing that we are all members of the same Body whose Head is Christ Jesus our Lord. Accept other believers who are weak in faith, and don’t argue with them about what they think is right or wrong. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, forgive us for the times when we have not acted in godly love towards our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who may be weaker in the faith than we, and who may hold to some practices and biases from which we have been set free. Keep us from developing a critical spirit toward other members of Your Body. Help us not to do anything from selfish ambitions, conceit or In humility of heart, may we count others more significant than ourselves. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. We are living in difficult and evil times, but that should not prevent us from doing what is right. We are called to live our lives and share the good news of the gospel in spirit and truth. We are not to allow the world to squeeze us into its mold, but are to serve one another in love, through our spiritual gifting's, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. As children of God, we have an obligation To Live As Children Of The Light and to resist participating in the evil works of darkness. We are to be purifying salt and shining lights in a darkened and distasteful place. We are to live honestly and righteously in the fear of the Lord, and we are to remember that although we live in the world, we are not part of its system and should act appropriately. Putting on the armor of light and living a godly life that honors the Lord, should be the daily activity of every believer, especially as we see the day of His return drawing ever closer. We want to be those that are living by faith, carrying out His will in our lives, and living a life that is honoring to God as we lay aside every deed of darkness and any activity that discredits His name. Praise God that we have been given all we need for life and godliness. May we be ready to search our hearts and set aside every dark deed and any worldly act by clothing ourselves, day by day, in Christ's armor of light. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, as we read through the book of Romans, We are coming to an understanding that the time for Christ’s return is drawing ever closer. In this broken world of sin, we realize how easy it is to lose focus on Christ and be drawn into the many deceptive teachings that are flooding the world and being taught by many church congregations. Keep us alert and awake to the knowledge that the night has almost gone and the day of Christ’s return is fast approaching. Help us to be living sacrifices and to lay aside any and every worldly activity that discredits Your name. May we clothe ourselves daily in Christ's armor of light so that we can be shining lights in this darkened world. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. We sometimes feel that we are surrounded by evil leaders who seem to have an anti-God agenda and we find it difficult to understand why. Sometimes we can be tempted to wonder if God has lost the plot, as we see evil men triumphing, while the children of God are in the midst of distress, and we wonder if Satan is winning. NEVER! Whether it was the cities of Babylon, Rome, Greece, or the nation into which we ourselves have been born. Whatever the circumstances of your lives or the decisions made in the global corridors of earthly rule, God is firmly and eternally in control, both of your life and over the governments of the world, and He has scheduled a time when He will put all principalities and powers under His feet. Despite the polices of politicians, the regulations of religious leaders, and the dictators of both national and international dignitaries under whom we are currently placed, we have an assurance from the authoritative Word of God, that He is in control and has authorized every authority to carry out His eternal plan and purpose. We who are His children are also told to Be Of Good Cheer, by His death and Resurrection He has overcome the world, and although we will inevitably face difficulties and dangers in this fallen world, the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us. Praise His Holy Name. Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. Our United Prayer:
Father, we thank You that You are in control of all that is happening in our lives, throughout the world and beyond. We pray that while we are here, You will take our lives, and use us in whatever way You choose. May we be faithful witnesses and bring glory to Your name, in our small corners of this world. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. Christ was made an offering for sin, the sin of the whole world, but He willingly went to the Cross as a freewill offering of love for his friends who are His Body, the Church. Christ loved and cherished the Church so dearly that He gave Himself for it: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down His life for His friends." We are to abide in Him, reflect His love, and to love others in the same way that He loved us. It is only as we experience a deepening love for Jesus and all that He has done for us, that we can begin to allow His love to flow into us and through us to others. Then, in His power and strength, we too may lay down our lives in service to Him as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, in Jesus' name. This day we remember and be United By Prayer for the countless soldiers who gave their lives in service to our country for our freedoms. We Pray for the families and thank them all for the sacrifices they have all made as Jesus did for ALL. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the greatest of all examples of love that Christ demonstrated toward us, in that while we were still sinners, He died for us. He has called us to be a member of His Church and to love others as He has loved us. Lord, May we be United By Prayer for those service members that sacrificed their lives for all of us for our freedoms and we unite in prayer for the families of all who have lost loved ones fighting for our country's freedoms. May you comfort them as they continue to mourn their losses. May we love others in His strength and power, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. The purpose of the Law was to reveal unrighteousness and to bring a sinner to repentance before God, but the Word of God identifies two types of righteousness: one that stems from a works-based morality, which is achieved by rigorously keeping the Law, and one which is a faith-based righteousness, which comes from humbly trusting Jesus as Savior and depending on Him at all times and for all things. There are Christians today who desire to be righteous through their own merit. They expend much of their time and energy in producing a works-based righteousness, which relies on what they do for God, rather than for what He has done for us (through the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus on the Cross of Calvary). Let us not blindly cling to our own self-initiated righteousness in the expectation that God will accept us for our good works. God no longer deals with His people on behalf of the unachievable righteous requirements of the Mosaic Law, but Through The Cross Of Christ Who became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God - in Him. Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You, for sending the Lord Jesus Christ to be the end of the Law to all who trust in Him as their Savior. We confess that of ourselves, we can do no good thing, but praise Your holy name that we can do all things through Christ, Who has become our righteousness. In His name we pray, AMEN. Too many Christians have not come into the glorious freedom offered in the Word of God by the God of grace, because they have a wrong perception of God Himself. God is holy, and God is faithful. He is omnipotent, and He is omniscient, and God has "magnified His Word above all His holy name!" Surely we should Trust All That God Has Said and believe the many precious promises and assurances that He has given to His children in the Word of God? The enemy will accuse you of sin and try to dislodge your trust in God's holy Word, but GOD is the one that has forgiven your sins forever; past, present, and future, and flung them all into the sea of His forgetfulness, simply because we trusted in the Lord Jesus. The enemy will try to flood your mind with doubt and try to discredit the character of God, but God is faithful and true, His Word is forever sure, and all who are believers have been accepted in the Lord Jesus. So, who will bring a charge against you? No-one! Who then is the one who condemns you? No-one! Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank you that there is no charges against us and no condemnation, because we are in Christ Jesus our Savior. Thank You that we are covered in His righteousness. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. It is as we dwell in Him and abide in Christ that we fellowship with the Father and commune with His Holy Spirit Who bears witnesses with our human spirit and that we are children of God. What wonderful wisdom of God that the Spirit of Christ can give such beautiful reassurance with our regenerated human spirit. He knows us so intimately, so personally, He is intricately involved with every part of our lives. He helps us in these amazing personal and intimate ways, in every part of our lives, even in our prayer life: "The Spirit also helps our weakness; we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us. We do not need outwards signs, visible proofs, or audible evidences of His presence in our heart. We have His promises in the Word of His saving work of grace in our lives and we have The Permanent Spirit Of Christ Who is a sure witness in our hearts that we truly are the children of God. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Holy Spirit and His witness with our human spirit. We want to abide in You and You in us so that Your Holy Spirit will have free access to teach to us and to guide us into all truth. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. Just as the work of the Cross provides salvation when we believe it to be true, the work of the Cross also provides victory over the old sin nature when it is believed. We need to understand that the sin nature remains with us until our life on earth is ended, but The Blood Of Christ Has Given Us Victory over the functioning power of the sin nature within our life. At rebirth, Christ's work on the Cross permanently severed the power that flowed from the old sin nature into the life of the new believer. The electricity (which represents the old-sin nature), is still there, and the lamp (which represents the believer), is still there, but the connection between the old sin nature and the believer has been severed, forever. The power working in a believer either comes from the old sin nature or the new life in Christ. But when Christ died, He not only died for our sins, paying the price of sin (the death penalty), but He died UNTO sin, providing victory over the dominating sin nature and permanently severing us from the power it has over us. By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank you, that Christ not only died for our sins so that our sins are forgiven, but He died unto sin so that the old sin nature does not have power over us, as we trust our lives into His hands. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. Christian Hope is centered on the never-failing Word of God and His many precious promises, which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord. Christian hope is an ever-flowing fountain of the unfathomable love of God, cascading into our hearts and washing through our lives. Christian hope is the highest expression of glorifying God, it springs from a trusting heart that believes God's Word of truth by faith. Never question the length and depth and height of God's gracious love towards you. God demonstrated His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. The hope that comes through faith in Christ does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who was given to us, through time and into eternity. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Our United Prayer:
Thank You, loving Father, for Your unconditional and unchangeable love. You have poured Your love so abundantly and generously into our hearts. Enable us to show forth Your love in our lives, so that others will come to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ name, we pray, AMEN The burden of Hebrews is to keep on Living Our Life By Faith, and its target audience is not the unsaved, but believers who are encouraged to persevere despite the temptations and trials we inevitably face. Because we were justified by faith, we are to keep on walking by faith. Three times, New Testament writers use quotes from Habakkuk; expressing the importance of God's righteous saints living by faith, emphasizing the importance God places on the justified man or woman living their life by faith, and continuing, day-by-day, to live a life of faith and not to draw back into an unbelief or fear. The main thrust of Hebrews is for Christians to persevere in the Christian life and to 'keep on keeping on' to the very end. We are justified by faith, and now we are to live a sanctified life by faith, as this verse tells us: And my righteous ones will live by faith. But I will take no pleasure in anyone who turns away.” Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we know that without faith it is impossible to please You. Help us to live each day of our lives in the light of Your love and not to draw back through unbelief or fear. Help us to know, reckon, appropriate, and live the victorious lives which are already ours in Christ. May our faith be pleasing to You, and may we glorify You in all we say and do. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. There are five very specific warnings in Hebrews, and this one cautions against carelessness in our spiritual walk. We are warned not to drift from the faith or doubt God's goodness. We are not to distort the truth, despise the Lord, or deny Him the right to govern our lives. We are not to shrink back from the courageous profession of our faith, but to be bold and stand firm on the truth of the gospel of God, for which we will receive a great reward. We Are To Be Faithful in every circumstance of life so that God is honored through our testimony. We are to walk in spirit and truth as we die to our own desires and seek to do His perfect will for our lives. All warning passages caution us against spiritual negligence, but all are followed by words of helpful, spiritual encouragement. In this verse we are encouraged not to throw away our confidence in Christ which has a great and lasting reward. How tempting it can be, to start to rely on our own abilities and resources, in preference to trusting the Lord and depending upon His provision. However, we are exhorted not to lean on our own, human understanding and trust in our own provision, nor are we to depend on others to the exclusion of our Heavenly Father. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Word of truth, the warnings and encouragement that it contains for our spiritual learning and Christian maturity. We pray that we may be faithful to You in thoughts, words, and deeds. Thank You for Your many precious promises which are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Savior, in Whose name we pray, AMEN. Fellowship in the life of a believer should be both vertical and horizontal. The importance of taking time to commune in private with our Heavenly Father cannot be sufficiently emphasized, but also our horizontal Fellowship With Our Brothers And Sisters In Christ is also of vital importance, and should not be ignored or dismissed. We are in the world but we are not of the world. However, we are surrounded on every side by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life,. Christians that choose to forsake joining together with other believers in Christian fellowship (as the Body of Christ), isolate themselves from the encouragement, exhortation, correction, and reproof of their brothers and sisters in Christ. This verse is encouragement for all believers to be faithful in attending their local church assembly, in order to participate in brotherly encouragement, strength, support, edification, spiritual nourishment, biblical teaching, and the joy of sharing fellowship with like-minded believers. Sadly, this verse is often used in some denominations and Christian communities to insist that church attendance is legally binding on their members, which places their whole congregation in bondage to man-made legalism. But Christ Himself promised that when two or three were gathered together in His name, He would be there in their midst. Let us do all we can to ensure that we do not forsake our assembling together as the Body of Christ, as is the habit of some believers, but rather let us take every opportunity to meet together with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ for mutual strength, support, edification, and encouragement so that we can give and receive spiritual nourishment and sound biblical teaching together with like-minded believers. This is all the more important, as we see the day of Christ's return drawing ever nearer. not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You that we are part of the Body of Christ. May we understand the importance of meeting regularly with our brothers and sisters in Christ, especially in these days in which we live before Your return . We pray that we may actively seek out opportunities to meet together with other Christians so that together we may give mutual encouragement and motivate one another toward godly love and good works. As the world becomes increasingly dark, we pray that none of us would fall into the trap of becoming isolated in our Christian walk, but we would grow in grace and wisdom and in a knowledge of You, enjoying godly fellowship and sound teaching. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. As believers, we are given many instructions and encouragements on how to live godly in Christ Jesus. We are to draw near to the Lord with a true and undivided heart. It must be a broken and a contrite heart, that has an unshakable, confident assurance of our faith which is anchored to the faithful promises of an unchanging God. Also, as believers, we are also instructed to be concerned about our brothers and sisters in Christ and to stir up one another unto love and good deeds. We are to care for each other and consider how to stimulate one another to love as Christ loved us, and to produce good deeds that God has prepared for us to do. We as believers are instructed: "To Provoke Others Unto Love And Good Works." Just as love begets love, so too provoking others to good works by our own demonstration, will promote good works in them as well. Good works can only be carried out in our Christian life through the power of the Holy Spirit. So we promote love and good works in others, in spirit and in truth. How blessed we are if we can reflect on our own lives and identify those that by God's grace, patiently and lovingly provoked us to love and good works, by grace through faith in Christ. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much that while we were still dead in our trespasses and sins, Christ completed His finished work on the Cross so that by grace through faith in Him, we might have forgiveness of sin and life everlasting. Thank You for those who taught us about the Lord Jesus and who demonstrated the love of Christ in their own lives, provoking us to love and good works in our own lives. Help us to be so in tune with You that others may be provoked unto love and good works through our witness, as Christ lives in us and we in Him. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. Christ Jesus IS our righteousness, and His Righteousness Comes To Us From God On The Basis Of Our Faith. He is the God of righteousness, and those who are in Christ are clothed in His righteousness. In the power of the Holy Spirit, we are being changed into His likeness and conformed more and more to His image. How blessed are those that hunger and thirst for the righteousness of Christ, they shall indeed be satisfied - in HIM. Our hunger and thirst should not be more of our own righteousness but more of Christ. Our hunger and thirst should be for Him, for Christ, that we may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we yield our lives to the Holy Spirit He will conform us to become more and more like Christ. In HIM is life, righteousness, and honor. all who seek Christ Who is our righteousness, will be satisfied. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we long for Christ more and more. We hunger and thirst for righteousness in this world and in our own lives. We are so thankful that Jesus clothed us in His righteousness when we trusted in Him for salvation. Help us to nail our self-righteous efforts to the Cross and be guided, day by day, by the Holy Spirit into all truth, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
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January 2025