Love for his brothers and sisters in Christ was clearly seen in all of Paul's writings and in this letter to the Colossians, his heart's desire was that these beloved believers would gain great spiritual strength. He knew that many blessings and benefits follow those who continue earnestly to pray in faith and for those who are vigilant in their worship, praise, and thanksgiving. Paul knew that it is God's will that His blood-bought sons and daughters rejoice in the Lord always, and so he encouraged each one to rejoice continuously, to pray without ceasing and in everything to Give Thanks And Praise to our Heavenly Savior. But Paul also knew that prayer is a God-given privilege that has been awarded to every Christian, and those that walk in spirit and truth and pray into the Father's will, are assured that their prayers will be heard and answered, for His greater praise and glory. May we all seek to be faithful servants of God and develop the sort of Christlike character that honors the Lord in word and in deeds, and may we give godly encouragement and comfort to all those who are placed in our path, for the honor of His holy name. I am sending him to you for the express purpose that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, Give us the grace to faithfully fulfil the work that You have called us to do. We pray that we may continue earnestly in prayer, be vigilant in worship, give comfort and encouragement to others, and in everything give thanksgiving and praise, for the honor of Your name. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. As His children, we are called to imitate our Father in heaven. We are to be like Him in thought, word, deed, and motive. We are to follow His example and use Him as our role model for our inner life, and our hidden moments... as well as our outer behavior and attitude towards others. Just as God is holy, we are to be holy in all our conduct. We are to be God's representatives on earth. Before He ascended into heaven, the Lord Jesus gave us a new commandment, that We Love One Another in the same way that Christ loved us and gave Himself for us. In Ephesians 5, Paul exhorts all of us to "walk in love." Indeed, the time that the Lord Jesus lived on earth can be described as a life-walk of love, a life which from start to finish was exercised in love. Christ's sacrifice was also a voluntary offering to God, as He walked to the Cross in love. Jesus became a willing victim. It is not only in the outshining of our Christian walk that is important as our life crosses the paths of others. God wants the love of Christ to shine forth from our hearts. He wants love to thrive in that secret place of our heart, and within those private thoughts where no other has access to our inner mind and motives. May we all walk in love, just as Christ also loved us and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God. and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the life example of the Lord Jesus. We know we cannot copy Him in our own strength, but we Pray that in the power of the Holy Spirit, we would learn to walk in love, so that we become a beautiful offering that is pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we Pray, AMEN. There were many issues in the early Church that Paul frequently addressed, and in his epistle to Titus we discover the importance that he laid on sound teaching, Godly leadership, the refuting of legalism in the Church, and other doctrinal errors. Paul knew how vital it was to silence their voice, challenge their error, and expose their motive, knowing that they were able to shipwreck the faith of many who would blindly follow after them. Today, there is an explosion of false teachings and an abundance of demonic doctrines. The Church is saturated with this pernicious infiltration. But The Word Of God Is Powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, and Paul reminds us that the best way to refute the false is to teach the truth. The best way to combat twisted doctrine is to stand fast in the Scriptures and preach the Word of God. Paul gave the following warning: "It is necessary to silence such trouble-makers; because they overthrow whole households by teaching what they shouldn't in order to get money dishonestly." How vital therefore that individual Christians as well as pastors, teachers, elders, and evangelists study to show themselves approved unto God. How necessary to know the truth and to teach the truth of the gospel of grace in word and in deed, as we wait for Christ to return. They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we Pray that our hearts would be open to Your truth and that we are not influenced by any erroneous, legalistic lectures or prosperity teachings, but stand fast in the faith. Thank You that Christ’s sacrifice is sufficient and that our salvation does not rest on what we have to do, but on what Christ has done for us on Calvary's Cross. We are so thankful that by shedding His blood for our sins and by rising again from the dead, He paid it all so that by faith in Him, we might have the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. Somehow in the human realm, we 'like' to have a few 'worries' under our belts. Everyone seems to be worried about this and that, about relationships and redundancies, life and living, health and happiness, food and finances, the government and global issues, sleeplessness, stress, strain, and supply. But the Lord Jesus, in this extended dialogue to His followers, warns of the foolishness of fretting and futility of worry, it results in a fruitless and defeated life. However, the Lord's warning is of even greater significance, for us to embrace worry instead of Casting All Our Burdens Upon The Lord, demonstrates a serious lack of faith in God's Word. It casts the shadow of doubt on His precious promises of provision, which discredits His holy character. Worry is not only an ungodly state of mind that is often triggered by circumstances of life, but is also a choice of the will, where we imagine the worst scenario, which gives birth to mental imbalance and a restless heart. Worry too often triggers physical illness and spiritual frailty. Worry is an incubator for depression and discouragement, and should be shunned. We all live in the same fallen world and are surrounded by imperfect people and unscrupulous individuals with a sin nature and we sometimes make mistakes. This results in interpersonal problems, financial hardship, health problems, daily disasters, and unavoidable conflicts which result from the foolish mistakes or premeditated actions of other people or ourselves. But Jesus spent some considerable time instructing His disciples to trust Him and not to worry about the things we need in life. The Bible is full of verses instructing us to FEAR NOT, to HAVE FAITH, and to cast our burdens upon the Lord Who has promised to keep and sustain us. Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Our United Prayer:
Father, we confess that we worry about many things, rather than trusting Your Word implicitly. Help us to learn to cast all our cares upon You, day by day, and moment by moment. As each worry and concern forms in our minds, we Pray that we would take our thoughts captive to Christ. We pray that with Your help, we will look to You and hand over our anxious thoughts to You, knowing that You have promised to carry us through all of life's difficulties and provide for the needs of ours and our families. Thank You for Your goodness and grace. We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus, AMEN. Children are instructed to be obedient to their parents in all things because it pleases the Lord. They are to pay heed to parental instruction, respect their parent's directives, be quick to obey their voice, and learn life-truths from them. Here the word 'children' is particularly addressing youth, although younger children also need to be taught appropriate standards of discipline and behavior in their early years, if a good character is to be appropriately shaped. While obedience is required from a child, the parents are not to frustrate their children, which could cause emotional or spiritual damage and discouragement. There are many ways that parents can exasperate their children. Too authoritarian an approach, as well as a careless disinterest in their child, or a home with little or no discipline, can dishearten, de-motivate, or simply irritate a child. A wise balance between correction and praise - discipline and encouragement is what is advocated here. Parents who place too great an emphasis on discipline while neglecting encouragement risk provoking their son or daughter to bitterness, frustration, anger, depression, or even worse. Constantly 'nagging' their children or scolding them can also hinder a child's development by stifling their creativity. How sad it is when excessive discipline, a lack of discipline, over-indulgence, or a lack of interest in their child, an abundance rules and regulation, or a lack of them can cause a child to become exasperated "so they lose heart." Today there is an increasing disconnect between children and their parents. Scripture indicates that one of the main reasons is that God has been eliminated from the family and a worldly mindset of selfishness and disrespect has replaced a biblical perspective. How important for parents, children, and church fellowships, to refuse to be impacted by worldly standards and to Start Reinstating Godly Principles And Biblical Teaching in their homes so that the children of today will not become the parents of tomorrow who exasperate their children and cause their children to lose heart. Parents, do not anger your children, lest they lose heart. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, what a lot there is to assimilate and implement in this simple instruction for parents not to exasperate their children so they will not lose heart. Forgive us for the way we have allowed biblical principles and Godly practice to be gradually removed from our homes and Christian churches. Help us individually and corporately to return to the truth of Your Word so that children will understand the need to obey and respect their parents, as parents bring up their children in the fear and nurture of the Lord through wise discipline, gracious encouragement, and godly respect. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. We are called to Pray Without Ceasing, but we are also called to pray in every place. No matter where we are, what situation we are in, who we are with, or what time it is, the Lord desires that we are in an attitude of prayer. It is so beneficial to shut ourselves away in our prayer closet for intimate communion and deep fellowship with the Lord. It is equally profitable to be in constant touch with the Lord in every place in which we find ourselves, no matter what the circumstance of life we happen to be or in what company we are keeping. Jesus Himself is currently seated on the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us. The Holy Spirit Himself is currently making intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. The Son and the Spirit pray without ceasing. Should we not follow this example in our own lives? Always Strive not to be in a state of anger or argument when we pray. Our pleadings, petitions, prayers and thankful praise should not be from a heart that is harboring resentment or unforgiveness, anger or bitterness but from a heart that is holy and clean before the Lord, a heart that is gentle and gracious, a heart that is submissive before the Lord. God looks on the state of our heart. Praise God that we can approach the throne on grace boldly, and give over to Him all of our anger, anguish, resentment, and malice, making the way clear for us to life up holy hands and pour out our praises, petitions, and thankful worship to the Lord. Our Savior. Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, search our hearts, that our beings may be pleasing in your sight. As we pray and lift up holy hands to You, we pray that, more and more, we become the people You desire us to be. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. The human body consists of many different components but it is one unit. There are many hidden internal organs and a multiplicity of visible external members. Each has its own unique function, and yet every single body-part needs to interact with every other member, and work together synergistically in order to maintain a strong, healthy, functioning body. When one member does not work correctly, or is impaired, paralyses, in pain, or disconnected, it has a significant effect on the rest of the body. This interrelationship of every aspect of the human body is used to illustrate the beautiful way that each member of the body of Christ is important to the whole, and should function and interact with all other members. Although we are all individual people and have diverse backgrounds, different experiences, varying gifts, unique abilities, and individual characteristics, we are all ONE in Christ. Although we are individual members, we are mutually dependent. As members of Christ's Body we are to work together in holy love and Christian harmony. Christ is to be made manifest to a broken and hurting world through the Body of Christ, which is The Church. Individually and collectively we are His witnesses. Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You that we are part of the Body of Christ and for the gifts and graces that You have given to us. We pray that we may live our lives according to Your plans and purposes. Use us to compliment the work carried out by our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we pray that we may be testimonies of the goodness and grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, to a lost and dying world. Unite the whole Body of Christ, with a dependent mutuality, so that as individuals we may be truly united as one Body, to serve You in the places where You have planted us. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. Believers that are living in spirit and truth will submit their life to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. The new, born-again life (Our New Life In Christ, where works emanate by means of the spirit) delight in the Word of God. As believers we have a choice: 1. To live by means of the flesh, which results in wretchedness of heart because the new-life in Christ is in constant conflict with the old sinful nature. 2. To live in spirit and truth, discovering the freedom we attain by submitting our new, born-again spirit to the Holy Spirit of God. Then the inner person delights in the law of the Spirit of life Who has set us free from the law of sin and death. God does not seek to change our old sin nature, but purposes to transform our new life in Christ into His likeness, as we grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; Our United Prayer:
Lord, we delight to do Your will. Thank You for Your Word of truth, which warms, comforts and guides our inner beings as we read and study it. May we grow in grace and not submit to the enticements of the flesh. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. Because we are already justified, We Have Peace With God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Because we have peace with the Father we have gained access, by that faith, into the grace into which we have been established. What privileged people we are! This enables us to grow in grace, mature in our Christian life, and rejoice in the established hope we have in Jesus. We have been given all we need for life and godliness, not only in the calm waters of life, but when the tempestuous storm is raging in our face and the mighty waves of doubt and fear are battering at the door. Our natural desire in life is to live in ease and to avoid life's problems and pain, but Scripture reminds us that only those who face the distresses of life through His sufficient grace, develop the patient endurance and proven character that is so acceptable to the Lord, which in turn results in mature faith and a hope that is firmly established in Him. Let us all praise and glorify our Heavenly Father for the blessed hope we have in Christ which will never disappoint us, because God's over-abounding love has been poured in our hearts through the gift of the Holy Spirit Who took up residence in our hearts the moment we trusted in Christ. and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You that we have access by faith into Your amazing grace, and have been enabled to stand firm in the evil days. We praise You that our hope is based on nothing less than the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, Who cannot and will not disappoint us. Thank You that Your gracious love has been poured into our hearts in great measure through the Holy Spirit, as a guarantee of Your precious promises. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. It is fools who have said in their hearts 'there is no God' despite being surrounded by The Amazing Beauty Of God's Creation, its complex functioning, and the intricate construction of everything within it. Each human being has been endowed with an inner conscience which alerts our innermost soul to a sense of right or wrong, good or evil. It is that still, small, inner voice of principle which is designed to prompt us toward doing what is good and resisting what is evil. The invisible qualities of His eternal power and divine nature are all around us, for those with eyes to see, and are clearly understood by what has been made. Yet there are those that deny His existence and proffer their own flawed theories, while clinging to their limited imaginations. In doing so, they profess to be learned and wise and yet they demonstrate themselves to be fools. The Lord laughs at the pagan world for their frenzied attempts to nullify His creation and their pitiful perversions of His clearly stated truth. Their attempts to disprove God is inexcusable because of the tremendous evidence in the sky above, the earth below, the waters beneath, the inner conscience, and His written Word. The book of Romans lays out the clear path of condemnation and destruction that foolish and rebellious humans choose to pursue, when they refuse to acknowledge the truth, but praise God that Paul also goes into great detail on how to be saved by grace through faith in Christ and details the many privileges that are ours in the Lord Jesus, our God and our Savior. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the amazing book of Romans and the clear way that it explains, step-by-step, the depravity of fallen mankind and the consequences of sin. It also tells in detail, that our sins are forgiven by grace through faith in Christ, and how we may live in the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray that many whose eyes are blinded to the truth, whose consciences have been seared, and whose foolish hearts have bought into Satan's deception, will turn from their wicked ways and call out to Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and life everlasting. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. The ones whose God is the Lord is promised a never-failing supply of nourishment and limitless refreshment for the soul. Their roots are deeply embedded in The Truth Of God's Word and his sustenance flows from multiple streams of God's eternal provision. The blessed man or woman will not wither when seasons of difficulty and drought come to test their faith. They will not be overwhelmed by the enemies wiles. They will be covered in the armor of light. They will not be unsettled by problems and pain, they are anchored to the Rock of our salvation and protected under the shadow of His wings. God is working in each of our lives from an eternal perspective and the ones who prosper in everything he undertakes is the ones who take up his cross and follows Christ. They are the ones who are led and guided by the Holy Spirit; they are the ones who maintain ongoing fellowship with our Heavenly Father and presses on the high call of the gospel of Christ. May we be like the tree in Psalm 1 that is planted, grows, prospers, and produces the precious fruit of righteousness, receiving God's never-failing supply of nourishment and limitless refreshment from His streams of living water. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the beautiful description of the man or woman who is like a tree firmly planted by streams of living water, yielding the blessed fruit of righteousness and prospering through Your never-failing provision. We pray that we may not be induced to walk in the way of the world, nor compromise our Christian faith. Thank You that we have all we need for life and godliness. we pray that all we do and everything we say, is done for Your greater praise and glory. Help us to be worthy witnesses of Your loving-kindness and living testimonies of God's great love. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. The first chapter of James is dealing with the subject of trials that are sent by God to strengthen our faith and sharpen Our Christian Resolve. It talks of temptations that come from the enemy, designed to trip us up or shipwreck our faith. It is not sufficient to know what the Word of God says, or even to believe it is true. The truth of God's Word should be put into practice as we go through life. Liken God's Word to a mirror, and its beauty should be reflected in our daily life and put into practice, moment by moment. To know the truth of Who God is and what He has done in our lives without there being a significant change in our actions, attitudes, words, and witness, identifies one that has taken a good glance into God's Word. The Word of God identifies our flaws, faults, and failings, and it provides the means to correct them and live godly in Christ Jesus. An inner change of heart by grace through faith in Him should be translated into an outward demonstration of a changed life that is being transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit. May we who have been saved from both the penalty of sin and its power in our lives by faith in Christ, be ready and willing to live our lives unto the Lord. and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for changing us from condemned sinners into redeemed saints, simply by trusting in Christ as our Redeemer. Keep us low at the Cross and ready and willing to learn all we can from Your Word. Help us to translate Your Words into godly practice in our daily living. May we be lovely reflections of the goodness and grace of Jesus. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. We are being called here to live as sons and daughters of God, whereby our lives reflect the kindness, tenderness, and forgiveness of the Father in the same way that God in Christ has forgiven us. These are qualities that are exhibited in a life that is living in spirit and truth, under the guidance of the Spirit, in union with Christ, and in fellowship with the Father. We have been freely forgiven and have received the unsearchable riches of God's grace. We receive all of this because of Christ, Who gave Himself for us. Because we are in union with Christ and identified with Him, we are exhorted to follow Him in our attitudes and actions, and even the motives of our hearts that are known only to God. We Are Called To Follow His Example, to imitate His life and character, to grow in grace, and to be conformed into His likeness. Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we want to be more and more like Christ, to walk in newness of life, and to truly be lives where Christ can be seen in us. In His name we Pray, AMEN. The Household Of God, refers to all who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ. The household of God are the believers who make up the Body of Christ. We are like living stones that are being fitted together into the temple of the Lord. The Church is to be a holy habitation for God, in whom dwells the Spirit of God. The household of God are those that have been entrusted with the gospel of the grace of God, and who have been commissioned, by Him, to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and to make disciples of all nations, to the glory of God. The household of God are the men and women who are positioned in Christ, by faith, and have become the pillar and foundation of the truth of God's gospel of Christ. Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life. no man or woman is reconciled to the Father except through faith in HIM. Some people erroneously teach that a church is the foundation of truth and that the only way to be saved is to follow their rules and regulations, but this is unbiblical. Scripture teaches that Christ Himself is the Truth, and that He alone is the foundation upon which our faith is anchored. Indeed, the Word of the living God testifies to this unchangeable truth. We are not the source or foundation of truth. Christ is the Source of truth and He is the Foundation upon which our faith is founded. However, we are those that teach, support, and defend the truth of the gospel of grace. We do it for love of the Lord Jesus and for the praise and glory of His holy name. if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Word of God and the truths that are contained within its pages. Thank You that we have everything we need to live a pure and holy life and have been taught how to conduct ourselves in this fallen world system. We praise You that by faith in Christ, we are members of the household of God and part of the Body of Christ, which is identified as "the Church of the living God." Help us to stand firm in these evil days and be strong and established pillars of truth that points lost sinners to Christ, Who is the source, the seal, and the consummation of our faith, and in Whose name we Pray, AMEN. Have you noticed how often the Word of God calls us to trust in the Lord, to believe what He says in Scripture, to have faith in Him in all that He says? He knows that trusting in the Lord is the only secure place we have, in our world today. Have you noticed how often we are called upon to do good, to love, to forgive, and consider others as better than ourselves? How often we are called upon to follow His paths and listen to His guidance? There is none good, no not one, and the only good that we can perform is when we are in Christ; when we are in union with Christ through faith in Him. But when we are in Christ, we live, and move, and have our being in submission to the Spirit, and in communion with the Father. All good flows from the Lord and the only good of which we are capable is that which is done in His power and strength. God has prepared all these good works in advance for us to do, but remember that all that we do should be to His praise and His glory. No matter what happens in life, our times are in His hands and we are called on to trust all into His hands; this is good and honoring to Him. We are to do the good things that He has prepared for us to do in His strength and power, knowing that He is a faithful God and His Faithfulness Is New Every Morning. He will feed us like a Shepherd and guide us through all the valleys of life. How great is His faithfulness. Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we surrender all into Your hands, we trust You and desire to do only those things that are pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
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January 2025