Wives are called to submit to their own husband and not to trifle with the affections of the husband's of other women, but how often the precious, holy union of matrimony between a man and his wife is damaged when a woman (or man) seeks solace in the company of another, or by submitting to one who is not their own spouse! This instruction to 'submit' is not an archaic practice that needs to be shelved, or which renders the wife under cruel subjection to her husband as is so often claimed today, but it is recognizing that this is God's order. This is the way the Lord designed marriage to be. It is a beautiful reflection of universal harmony where Christ is the head of the Church Who loves His Bride so dearly that He gave His life for love of her. This beautiful illustration of Christ And His Bride is reflected in the special relationship that exists between a man and his wife. In the marriage union, both are equal in the sight of God and yet maintain His perfect order in their marriage and home-life, where the wife submits to their own husband and the husband love his wife with a Christ-like love. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for our homes and families and for the wonderful way that You have designed the different roles of husbands and wives which bring glory to Your name when applied in our home situations. We lift up all Christian marriages today and pray that in Your grace, many wives may see the beauty there is in godly submission to their own husbands. And in-turn, we pray that men may reflect the great love for their own wives that Christ has for the Church, Who out of love for us, gave Himself for us. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
We ask you to pray for this ministry, for its success in helping others in need of prayer. Archives
February 2025