Christ Jesus IS our righteousness, and His Righteousness Comes To Us From God On The Basis Of Our Faith. He is the God of righteousness, and those who are in Christ are clothed in His righteousness. In the power of the Holy Spirit, we are being changed into His likeness and conformed more and more to His image. How blessed are those that hunger and thirst for the righteousness of Christ, they shall indeed be satisfied - in HIM. Our hunger and thirst should not be more of our own righteousness but more of Christ. Our hunger and thirst should be for Him, for Christ, that we may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we yield our lives to the Holy Spirit He will conform us to become more and more like Christ. In HIM is life, righteousness, and honor. all who seek Christ Who is our righteousness, will be satisfied. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we long for Christ more and more. We hunger and thirst for righteousness in this world and in our own lives. We are so thankful that Jesus clothed us in His righteousness when we trusted in Him for salvation. Help us to nail our self-righteous efforts to the Cross and be guided, day by day, by the Holy Spirit into all truth, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
We ask you to pray for this ministry, for its success in helping others in need of prayer. Archives
February 2025