Union with the Lord Jesus can never be broken but fellowship with the Father can be broken when we allow sin to snatch control of our lives or when we choose to live in carnality, which reflects the values of the world and not the truth of God. Close communion with God is severed and fellowship with our Father is fractured when sin infects our heart, and we are not walking in spirit and in truth. Today there are many who claim to be 'spiritual' beings, but their claim is rooted in a worldly view of spirituality that is opposite of biblical spirituality and can never be reconciled with true spirituality. Such claims are in opposition to the truth and are incompatible with the character of a holy sinless God. While some unbelievers falsely claim to have fellowship with God, which is only possible through faith in Christ, Christians may also falsely claim to have fellowship with the Father. But God, Who dwells in sinless light can never commune with a soul who walks in the darkness of unconfessed sin. Similarly, when a Christian claims to have fellowship with our sinless God when walking in the darkness of unconfessed sin is equally a lie, it is not practicing the truth. Such claims from believers deny the absolute perfection of our sinless God Who can have no fellowship with sin. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, thus restoring us back into communion with the Father. But if we say we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in darkness, we are lying and not practicing the truth. Let us from this day forward, We Must Walk In Spirit And In Truth, to His honor and glory. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. Our United Prayer:
Loving Father we desire to keep in communion with You and not to flirt with the agents of darkness. There are times that our hearts have been divided and we know that darkness and light cannot walk together. Keep us close to You and help us to fly to You and confess our sins the moment we start to stray, so that our fellowship with You is quickly restored. Father, we want to learn to practice the truth today, so that we may grow in grace and in fellowship with You, in Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
We ask you to pray for this ministry, for its success in helping others in need of prayer. Archives
February 2025