The surpassing intimate fellowship into which we have been warmly invited, as children of the Father and joint-heirs with Christ, we should rejoice in our hearts always and gladden our souls through time and into eternity. Let us rejoice in the Lord always - and again I will say, LET US REJOICE - for He is a great and awesome God. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father thank You for Your gift of joy and for Your fruit of rejoicing. Help us to take all our thoughts captive... especially those doubts and imaginings that are prompted by the enemy to steal the heavenly gift of joy that is ours in Christ. Thank You, Father, that You are worthy of all our praises and that Your joy is great medicine and spiritual muscle that strengthens our trust and increases our love for You. May we never cease to rejoice in You all the days of our lives. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. Christ's fullness of joy is not simply contained in a future hope, but is firmly established in this present time. The fullness of God is a truth that is embedded in so many of our Father's precious promises. Sorrow may well be in this life, for we have been told that in this world we will suffer trials and difficulties, but we must be of good cheer, for we have His indwelling Holy Spirit... and as we focus our hearts and minds on the of our risen Savior, we receive His fullness of joy, love, and His peace - not only in the world to come, but every day of our earthly life. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for Your great goodness towards us, and the many blessings that You shower on each one of us day by day. Be with us each step of the way, and help us to keep our eyes trained on the Lord Jesus. We thank You that we have been given everything we need for life and godliness, and pray that we may experience the fullness of joy we have all received in Christ, not only in the world to come, but as a daily experience in this present world. Thank You, Father, that You have made known to us the path of life in Christ Jesus our Savior, in Whose name we pray, and thank You that in Your presence is the fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore, AMEN. Whether or not the seasons of difficulty and pain we all experience are self-induced through our sinful actions, careless attitude or foolish indifference. However, whether they are the result of the actions, attitudes and indifference of others beyond our control, God's anger lasts but for a brief moment but His grace and favor is everlasting. Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning. May we develop an attitude of continuous prayerful praise - for God is faithful to fulfil all His promises to His children. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father we praise and thank You for Your loving-kindness and long-suffering toward us and all Your children. Thank You that no matter what difficulty and pain we may go through in this life, that weeping will be replaced with laughter and pain with joy, in Jesus name we pray, AMEN. We should rejoice - exceedingly, that we as members of His Body and partakers of His sufferings – for it is by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection that we have not only been forgiven of our sins and clothed in His righteousness, but we are His blood-bought children, who have a blessed hope, a glorious future, and life everlasting Our Prayer:
Thank You, Father, that we are part of the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church, and that we are in union with the Lord Jesus. Thank You that He understands all that we are facing in our lives today and that we are a partaker in His sufferings. Help us to keep an eternal perspective ever in our sights, and we praise Your name for the blessed hope and glorious future that You have purposed for all Your people. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. This much-loved passage gives real insight into our position in Christ and reminds us that because we are united to Him by faith, we are to love one another as Christ loved us. We are also to abide in His love and trust His wise purpose for our lives. Praise God that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father we pray that we may abide in You and You in us and that Your will for our lives may be carried out to Your praise and glory. Thank You that the joy of the Lord is our strength and we pray that our lives may be a living sacrifice unto You. Help us to abide in You moment by moment and day by day so that we may be fruitful and bring much glory to You in Jesus name we pray, AMEN. God gives the ones who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as savior PEACE WITH GOD - and He will keep the believer in Christ Jesus covered in His own perfect peace, by giving us the PEACE OF GOD which transcends human understanding. Let us ensure that the thoughts of our hearts are fixed on the Lord Jesus moment by moment as we take every thought captive to Him, for God has promised to keep in perfect peace all who trust in Him and fasten the eyes of their hearts upon Him. Our Prayer:
Loving Father we pray that the thoughts of our hearts and the meditation of our minds be centered on You moment by moment, so that the righteousness and peace of Christ will touch our lives as we walk in spirit and truth… in the power of the Holy Spirit, AMEN. The power of the Holy Spirit can be manifest in the life of all believers whose heart reflects the unity of the spirit.. in the bond of peace - rather than permitting envy, strife, jealousy or contentions to influence our behavior. When a person or ministry is founded on godly principles, that lifts up the Lord Jesus Christ.. and when earnest prayer, that reflect the love of God in the unity of the Spirit is offered - Christ will be magnified. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we want to learn the lesson that all things that happens in our lives will be used by You.. to Your praise and glory. Help us to keep our eyes off our immediate circumstances and to fix our eyes on Jesus, knowing that deliverance will always come in Your timing and in Your way. Teach us also that the value of prayers and intercessions for others.. is a tool that You will use to increase our faith; forward Your kingdom and draw us ever closer to Jesus Christ - in Whose name we pray, AMEN The promise that the all-powerful God is our only strength and stay, is no less true today than it was in the days of Joshua. God has promised to be with us in every difficulty we face and every problem that comes our way, just as He was Joshua, when He commanded him… Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we praise You that You have shown Yourself faithful to Your people, throughout all generations. Help us to be strong in the Lord and to rely on You in all the problems of life that we may face, knowing that You are with us, wherever we go. Thank You Father in Jesus name we pray, AMEN. An unselfish attitude of heart and humbleness of spirit towards others is the key to maintaining our joy in the Lord - and so we are all called upon to care about the interests of others, above our own. We are not to neglect our own needs for we are called upon in everything, by prayer and supplication to make our requests known to the Lord - but we are instructed to do nothing from selfish ambition.. nor should we be motivated to impress others, but in gentle humility of heart we are to count others interests and needs as more significant than our own - that our joy may be complete. How honoring to the Lord if we were to take this simple instruction to heart and not only look to our own interests, but also to the interests of others. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, help us to recognize and respond to the needs or others.. willingly, cheerfully and with humility of heart and gentleness of spirit. This we ask in Jesus name, AMEN. We are not left to guess at the reason for the intensity and urgency in this earnest plea to guard your heart above all else, for the heart is the source and well-spring of life, the heart is the repository for life, the treasury for truth, the warehouse of wisdom. Christ is our life and our truth, and our wisdom and the Lord searches the heart and tests the mind and we are to guard the gospel truth that has been shed into our hearts, the knowledge of Him Who has brought us out of darkness into His light and Who has taken us from the doors of death and breathed into us the breath of the new-life in Christ. Our Prayer:
Loving Father, we want to guard our hearts above all things. Search our hearts and know our thoughts and see if there is any wicked ways in us and guide us into the path of righteousness, in Jesus name we pray, AMEN. Love for each other and joy in the Lord are all the fruit of the Spirit, which burst forth in a life that is centered in Christ. Let us love one another, for love is of God.. and he who loves as Christ loved us is born of God and know Him. Paul's earnest cry at the end of His life was, that I may know Christ - let this be our earnest desire today and for the rest of our lives. Our Prayer:
Father, it is our desire to do nothing out of selfish motives or ungodly incentives, but rather wee pray that we may in humility of heart, value others above ourselves, to Your praise and glory. Help us to value the needs and concerns of others more than our own and keep us humble in heart and low at the cross - in Jesus name we pray, AMEN. May we never translate our wants into our needs. Rather, may we live our lives on earth knowing that this life is fleeting and that our eternal home is in heaven. May we be content with all that we receive and give God both the thanks and the glory for all His ongoing and abundant supply. May we also rejoice to be children of our great and generous God and be ready and willing to honor the Lord with all our possessions and finances. And may we become cheerful givers for the cause of the gospel, knowing that this honors the Lord Who will never fail to provide everything we need. Our Prayer:
Loving Father, we stand amazed at Your gracious bounty, knowing that You care about both the little things that we need today, as well as the eternal blessings that are being laid up for us in heaven, for which we praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. We are called to willingly, graciously and fervently pray for each other, for as we lift up those who may have wronged us.. to the Lord in prayer, the fellowship of His love will stream into our hearts and minds, removing any nagging bitterness or residue of unforgiveness. We are also called to be holy for God is holy, but it is only as we confess our sins to one another and to our Father in heaven, that fellowship is renewed and our prayers become effective. It is only as we abide in Him and walk godly in Christ Jesus that we are enabled to pray in spirit and truth - and the effective prayer of a righteous person can accomplish much. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we desire to maintain fellowship with You and to walk godly in Christ Jesus. Help us to recognize our faults and quickly seek Your forgiveness. Help us also to confess our faults to those we have wronged, and we pray that we may maintain an attitude of prayer.. and learn to pray fervently in spirit and truth, so that in Christ our prayers may be effective and avail much, to Your honor and glory - this we ask in Jesus name, AMEN. The man or woman who turns often to prayer and maintains a worshipful attitude of prayer towards the Lord, is one who comes boldly to the throne of grace - to offer up prayer and praise, supplication, intercessions, petitions and thanksgiving for others. Prayer demonstrates a humble dependence upon God, for prayer is the breath of the dependent soul that touches the heart of the Father. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for all Your loving-kindness to us. Keep us ever humble and praying for others in need. May we be actively dependent on You by trusting Your word so that in Your power, we may live as You would have us to live, in Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. Prayer is not sitting for a few minutes with hands folded, and eyes shut tight. Prayer is the tool we have been given to prepare us for the work God has called us to do and to ensure that we are well-prepared when faced with a crisis. Prayer is not meant to be saved for a rainy day or only used in an emergency. Prayer is our lifeline to the Lord. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we bless You for Your grace and mercy to us. Thank You that we have the right to lay at Your feet our own needs and those of others. Increase our understanding of the great privilege of prayer that has been granted to us and all Your children, and we pray that we increasingly devote our lives to You in prayer, praise, and grateful thanks. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
We ask you to pray for this ministry, for its success in helping others in need of prayer. Archives
January 2025