The promised Messiah is the chosen servant of the Lord. He is the subject of these verses in Isaiah, gentle and kind. He will not break a bruised reed, nor will He quench a flickering candle. How appropriate therefore that Isaiah calls all people, to sing unto the Lord a new, joyful song. He urges the inhabitants of the isle and those that go down to the sea in ships to rejoice in the God of our salvation. He calls men and women from the four corners of the earth to rejoice together and sing praises to our God and Redeemer. He urges those that live at the ends of the earth, to the give thanks for The God Of Our Salvation. How seemly it is that all peoples who dwell upon the face of the earth, are exhorted to raise their voices in joyful praise to the Lord our God, for He is our heavenly Creator, our Strength and our Salvation, our Rock and our Redeemer. Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we delight to lift up our voices in praise to You and to sing unto the Lord a new song, for You have forgiven us and seated us together with the Lord Jesus Christ in heavenly places. We lift up our voices in joyful praise and everlasting thanksgiving for Who You are and all Your many blessings. Praise You, Lord, AMEN. The praying man or woman may not know how their prayers will be answered, but those who wait on Him and maintain close communion with their heavenly Father, will be used by God in wonderful ways. God does not always answer prayer in the way we expect, but will always carry out His plans and purposes for His greater glory and for His servants' eternal joy. In Nehemiah's life, we see the work of God being carried out in answer to the faithful prayers of His servant, when plans are conceived in prayer... prayer is the foundation on which God's answer rests. May we Practice Powerful, Prolonged, And Effective Prayer, and be ready to be used by God to fulfil His plans for our life. The king said to me, “What is it you want?” Then I prayed to the God of heaven, Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for men of prayer like Paul and Nehemiah, Daniel and the Lord Jesus, Who have become such examples to follow in the important ministry of prayer. Teach us how to pray without ceasing and to pray effectively. Help us develop a practice of powerful, prolonged, and effective prayer, and use us in whatever way You choose to carry out Your plans and purposes in our lives. Thank You that Your ear is always open to our cries, whether they are simple, silent arrow-prayers, or long-term, persistent pleadings, and thank You that we have access to the throne of grace - for mercy to find help in time of need. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. Some of the most beautiful and moving descriptions of the Lord Jesus are found in the writings of Isaiah, the prophet. In chapter 42, the Lord God speaks of Jesus as His Servant Whom He upholds and in Whom He delights. We read of His gentle character, godly conduct, compassionate nature, and lowly actions He is not a person that is overbearing or self-obsessed. Rather, He is identified as quiet, considerate, gracious, and sympathetic. Others may consider a bruised reed or smoking flax to be good-for-nothing, except to be snuffed out or trampled underfoot. But the Lord Jesus is God's good and gracious Servant Whom He has sent to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim delivery to the captives, to recover sight to the blind, and to set at liberty them that are bruised and broken. And He Has Promised Never To leave us nor forsake us. He gives strength to the bruised reed and nurtures the smoking flax back to life. We may face injustice in this world as the enemy of our soul seeks to discredit our testimony, discourage our hearts, and destroy our faith, but Jesus has promised never to leave us and to be with us. Let's never forget that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him, and a day is coming when He will judge the world in righteousness and faithfully bring forth justice, In God's Time And His Way. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Lord Jesus to be our good, gracious, and gentle Redeemer Who is coming back to bring justice and to judge in righteousness. Thank You that He walked this earth before us and understands our weaknesses, our difficulties, and our disappointments. Thank You that He will not crush a broken reed or snuff out a flickering wick, but has come to heal the broken-hearted and provide the strength we all need as we journey through life, for His name's sake. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. The glory of the Lord shines from the heavens above through a myriad of twinkling stars. The greatness of God is witnessed on earth, and the skill of His hand is expressed by the many dancing blossoms and verdant leaves of God's great creative power - or simply through the blush of color that shines on a butterfly's wing. But it is not only the heavens that are called to be glad, and the earth to rejoice below, but the Psalmist is encouraging all men everywhere to speak of the glory of God. The people of God and the nations of the world are encouraged to proclaim the wonders of His name and to cry aloud together, "The LORD Reigns!" Let us give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name. Let us make known His deeds among the peoples. Let us sing praises to Him and speak of all His wonders. Let us glorify in His holy name and let the hearts of those who seek the Lord be glad. Seek the Lord with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength. Seek His face continually and remember His wonderful deeds which He has done. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, “The LORD reigns!” Our United Prayer:
Praise Your name, O Lord most high. We glorify your wonderful creative powers, but we wonder more at the amazing grace that You have shown to us in dying for us on Calvary’s cross. We pray that You will use us to tell all the glories of Your name, in the places where You have planted us. In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN. There are difficulties in life that overwhelm the strongest of people, fears that gnaw at the stoutest of human hearts, and young men who grow faint and weary. They stumble and fall because they rely on their own, inner strength and human resources, which are not a sufficient shield in the storms of life. Only power from above is sufficient to sustain us. Only His protective hand can shelter us from the storms of life and not our own limited, human abilities. It Is FAITH In His Word That Is Needed to soar with wings as eagles. It is trusting God to bring to pass all He has promised, even when our senses and logic seem to suggest the opposite or appear to contradict His promised truth. Those who wait on the Lord are those who have the assurance and inner confidence that the promises He has made to His people, and the things for which we hope, are a matter of fact and a present reality... that cannot be contradicted by senses, emotions, reason or fear. When a believer truly identifies with his Savior and trusts in Christ's capacities alone for his journey through life, it is then that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness, it is then that the wind of God will lift us up on eagles’ wings and carry us through life's stresses and strains, in the power of His Holy Spirit. but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Our United Prayer:
Loving Father, we know that our strength can only be found in Christ. Help us we pray, to trust implicitly in the power that we can only receive from our Lord, Christ Jesus. We pray that we may truly rise above all the difficulties of life and run with patient endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, Who is our only source of strength and our only means of refreshment. In His name we pray, AMEN. God wants each of His own of His children to rejoice in this wonderful truth, that we can all enjoy a personal and intimate relationship with Him, every day of our lives. Christ may be a Savior Who is common to all believers and a God that is universal in His love for each of His own, but He does not divide His love, segment His peace, or sub-divide His grace between us. He Pours Out All Of His Love on each of us. His boundless grace is showered upon you and me personally, just as it is on each of His children. Let us rejoice and thank Him for His undivided attention, His undiminished love, His undiluted grace, and His unending salvation. my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior— from violent people you save me. Our United Prayer:
Thank You, Father, for Your undivided attention, Your undiminished love, Your undiluted grace, and Your everlasting salvation. Thank You for Jesus, our Savior, our high tower, our refuge, our all in all. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. Comparisons, contrasts, metaphors, and similes are all used by God to get a point across to His listeners or to teach those, who are justified by faith, an important biblical fact. However, when the Lord God reiterates a truth, it is because He wants to emphasize a matter and we would do well to listen to the Word of the Lord and to read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and take to heart all that He has to teach us and to apply it in our life. All human life is like grass, which appears as nothing more than evaporating vapor, which lasts for a little while but quickly vanishes away. humans glory is likened to both the grass of the field, which dries up in the noon-day sun and the short-lived flowers, which droop and drop and wither away when the breath of the Lord blows over them. The transitory nature of fallen humans whose days are but as grass, is starkly contrasted with the permanence of The Everlasting Word Of Our God, which stands forever and ever. The Word of the Lord not only refers to the God-breathed scriptures but also to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us read, mark, learn, inwardly digest and take to heart all that He is and all that He has to say - and let us apply all that he teaches us, into our lives. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Our United Prayer:
Loving Father, thank You for Your Living Word and Your Written Word. We pray we will love Your Word more every day, and that we will understand the blessing of hiding Your Word in our hearts. Thank You for Your everlasting grace and mercy toward foolish, frail humanity, and thank You that Your Word stands forever. In Jesus’ name we Pray, AMEN. The words David spoke in this beautiful prayer, should be in our own hearts and on our lips as well. The God of Creation gave an amazing revelation to His servant David... that He would build him a house. David found courage to pray his prayer to the Almighty God Who had proved faithful and true throughout past generations. The promise that the Lord made to David is wonderful, and will be fulfilled at Christ's return to earth to set up His kingdom - but the many precious promises that He has given to you and to me are no less wonderful. Let's never take our salvation for granted, and let's never treat as insignificant our eternal position in Christ, our future inheritance, the forgiveness of sins, and everlasting life, What God Has Said He Will Fulfill , not because of who we are but for the honor of His holy name and to the glory of Jesus Christ - our God and Savior. Sovereign LORD, you are God! Your covenant is trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, the promise you gave to David, that there would always be a Man to sit on his throne, is indeed wonderful. But the most wonderful and glorious truth is this; You loved us so much that you sent Jesus to pay for the price of our sins and that by His Resurrection, He broke the power of sin in our lives and caused us to be called a son of God and a joint-heir with Christ. Lord, for this we will continue to be eternally grateful. May all we say and do be to the honor of Your name, for You alone are worthy. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. God's message of grace and comfort towards His people, weaves its way throughout the Scriptures like a golden thread. It mingles with the blood-red stream that flows from the veins of God's only begotten Son Who alone could pay the enormous price for the sin of the world by shedding His lifeblood on our account. The Glory Of The Lord was revealed at Christ's First Coming, which resulted in His death, burial, and Resurrection from the dead, through which He made purification for our sins. He is the image of the invisible God. He is the radiance of God's perfect glory. He is the exact representation of Almighty God's holy nature, and He upholds all things by the Word of God. One day, all flesh will see it together – at His Second Coming. On that day, Jesus will return with all His holy ones. All flesh will see Jesus returning to earth in the clouds of glory at the end of the Great Tribulation, when this Prince of Peace is finally acknowledged as King and returns to take up His rightful position as KING of kings when He sets up His Millennial Kingdom – for the mouth of the LORD has spoken it. And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, what an amazing plan of redemption that God the Son should set aside His eternal, heavenly glory, and be born into His own creation so that His sinless lifeblood which pulsed through His human veins, could be shed as the full and final payment for the sin of the whole world. Thank You that His glory was revealed at His first coming, and that by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, we have His Holy Spirit indwelling our bodies. Praise Your holy name that although He was rejected as Your anointed King at His first advent, the day is coming when, as Prince of Peace, He will return to earth to be crowned as King and Lord of the whole earth. Thank You that a day is coming when all will recognize the Lord Jesus as their King, when He returns in power and great glory to set up His eternal kingdom. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. Today, we live in a world that is spiraling out of control, where evil is multiplying, the poor are oppressed, the love of many has grown ice cold, and a deep-seated hatred of both Israel and the Christian Church, is escalating out of control. But Jesus Is The King Of Righteousness... and the work of righteousness which He carried out on the Cross of Calvary, brings peace with God to all who believe in His name. And in His grace, He pours the precious peace of God into the hearts of all His children who walk in spirit and truth. May we, the Body of Christ, Rest In His Peace in this hostile, violent world, and look up and lift up our heads as our redemption draws nigh when Jesus comes in the clouds to Rapture His Bride and take us into heaven to be with Him. The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the truths that we can learn from Your dealings with Your people. Thank You that Jesus is the King of Righteousness, and that the day is coming when You will put all wrongs to right - when You return in power and great glory to set up Your kingdom on earth. May we look up and lift up our heads, knowing that the day of our redemption draws near. May the peace of Christ guard our hearts, knowing that You have already gained the victory over sin and death for all who believe in the name Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, in Whose name we pray, AMEN. What a wonderful promise that was given to that prideful and rebellious nation: that the Lord would not abandon His people, despite their repeated grievous sins against Himself. The reason God stayed true to His promise to make Israel His own possession, was that to break it would dishonor His holy name. And God's Word will never be broken, His character is flawless, His Word is perfect. That Precious Promise made to Israel is equally effective today, and that the same glorious truth of God's faithfulness to His people can similarly be applied to the New Testament Church of today. The many precious promises, spiritual gifts, and eternal glories that God has prepared in heaven for those that love Him, can never be broken, to do so would discredit His righteous name and contradict His eternal character. Let us never forget that though we may prove faithless yet He will remain faithful to His many precious promises. For the sake of his great name the LORD will not reject his people, because the LORD was pleased to make you his own. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your love never fails and Your compassion never ceases toward us. Praise Your name for the many examples of Your eternal faithfulness to each one of Your children, which is fresh and new every morning. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. God Is Faithful And True, and that His mercy stretches from one generation to another. We must acknowledge that He even shows favor to the evil-doer, His rain falls on the just and the unjust alike, and sinners and saints are warmed by the rays of the same sun. God acts in judgement, it causes the people of the earth to know that He is God and to learn that the way of righteousness is by faith in Him. However, they also recognize that the ungodly do not learn to be righteous. They refuse to recognize that God is the Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, and they will be punished accordingly. But God has promised to save those that trust in Him, and the joyful song of celebration which the remnant of Judah sang, rejoices with the words: LORD, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, how precious to know that You have always had a remnant that is true to the gospel of God, despite many following after false gods and unbiblical doctrines. No matter what path others choose to take, we pray that You would keep our feet planted on the Rock of our salvation. Help us to walk in the way of righteousness, for Your name's sake and for Your greater glory. Thank You for the prophetic writings that remind us of the importance of looking to You, moment by moment, in spirit and in truth. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. God weighs the very words that proceed from our mouth and examines the motives that are manufactured within our heart, nothing is hidden from Him. How important therefore that our speech is not boastful or proud, but Seasoned With Salt, full of grace and truth, and glorifying to His holy name. How necessary that the meditation of our heart is always honoring to the Lord and that the thoughts of our mind are always acceptable in His sight: "For the Lord is a God of wisdom and understanding and with Him all our actions are considered." “Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, keep us from prideful thoughts and careless actions, and put a guard on our lips, we pray. May the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. As we look back on our lives, we hope that others will remember the good things about us, and not bring up those times we would prefer to remain buried in the sea of forgetfulness. We would prefer that those little indiscretions were relegated to a closed archive - never again to see the light of day! And we genuinely thank God that our sins are forgiven, and praise Him, that in His goodness and grace He has clothed us in Christ's righteousness and remembers our sins no more. The Bible, however, does not sweep sin under the carpet, and there are many indiscretions and much carelessness, foolishness, ungodliness, and rebellious actions that are given center stage, as we read through the pages of Scripture. God's Word Is Written For Our Learning - to teach the godly way to live and warn us of pitfalls to avoid. The LORD alone led him; no foreign god was with him. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the way You are leading and guiding us, in the difficult days we face, just as you protected and cared for Your people Israel throughout their history. Thank You that when we lose heart, You remain faithful. Thank You that when we wander from Your perfect path of righteousness, You are there to lead, and to guide us into the way of truth. Keep us looking to Jesus and trusting in You in all things, Whom to know is life eternal - this we pray in Jesus' name, AMEN. God has always had a remnant of believers who trust His Word, believe His promises, and give glory to His name, even when the experiences of the life and the ungodly behaviors of others seem to indicate the reverse. Isaiah was warning of the coming great day of judgement, the great and terrible 'Day of the Lord' and 'Time of Jacob's Trouble', the coming Tribulation Period when God will pour out His wrath on a Christ rejecting sinful world. But even in that terrible seven-year period, which will follow the any-day Rapture of the Church into heaven, Isaiah writes of a little remnant that will bow their knees to the Lord and lift up their voices in joyful praise and worship to God, singing: LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. Never forget that no matter what trials and tribulations we face in this Age, let us be part of today's little flock who trusts God's Word, believes His promises, gives glory to His name, and lifts up our voices in joyful praise and worship: "Lord, You Are My God; Our United Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, You are our God, our Lord, and our salvation. We will praise Your name forever and ever, for You have done wonderful things for us and for all who trust in Your unfailing goodness and mercy. Praise the Lord O our souls, and let all that is within us glorify and worship His holy name. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
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September 2024