The 10 Commandments was one small section of the indivisible Mosaic Law that Israel received from the Lord Himself. The complete Law covered a wide range of moral; civil, religious and ceremonial ordinances. If the nation remained faithful to the Lord, He promised them unimaginable blessings, while disobedience would necessitate punishment Although in its entirety the Mosaic Law was given to God's covenant people, and although the Decalogue is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, we must never forget that Jesus Himself instituted a new covenant - a better covenant through His own blood. The main function of the Law is to point us to Christ. He is not only the fulfillment of the Law and the prophets, but He is the One Who has fulfilled the Law on behalf of all who would believe on His name. “You shall have no other gods before me. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word and that truths that it contains. Thank You for Your faithfulness to Your people and thank You that in Your grace the Lord Jesus came to fulfil the Law and the prophets and to die on the cross so that that a new and better covenant might be implemented - so that whosever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life. Thank You in Jesus name we Pray. AMEN. Ambitions and emotions, temptations and trials, hope and fear, inner thoughts and expectations, together with spiritual strengths and weaknesses, can all be reflected in the face and mirrored in the expression of the eyes. It is often as we openly gaze into the reflection of our own face, through the mirror of God's Word, that we can identify areas that need spiritual adjustment and God's forgiveness. How important to examine our own heart and scrutinize our inner thoughts, through the mirror-like qualities of a still water-pool and to reflect whatever is good, and pure, and wholesome, and holy. The Word of God is the truthful mirror into which we should look carefully. The Bible is the still water-pool in which to gaze day by day - for the face of Christ is the reflection upon which our hearts should rest. As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, what wonderful truths are contained within Your Word. We pray that we may learn to keep the eyes of our hearts fixed upon Christ, and to daily search the Scriptures more faithfully, so that we may learn more of You and increasingly reflect the Lord Jesus in all we say and do. We pray that our lives may be mirror-images of Him, that we may only say the things that He has taught us, and only do those things that honor Him, so that His grace, love, care, and beauty, may be seen in us and flow out to others. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. The seventh day was a day of rest. It was God's Sabbath, and He blessed it and made it holy. The Lord set apart the Sabbath unto Himself and it represented completion, perfection, and rest. God did not rest because He was weary but because He had finished creating a perfect world and was satisfied with all that He had done. Had man not sinned in the garden, it is likely that God would still be resting today. But man did sin, which required God to begin working once again. However, the work in which the Lord is engaged today is the work of redemption. God's ongoing work today is the making of a new creation that is made in the image and likeness of Christ. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You that Jesus is our Sabbath rest and that in Him, we have peace with God and the peace of God that passes understanding. Thank You that we are new creations in Christ, and eternal rest is the promised possession of all who have trusted in Him for salvation. We pray that many more will come to an understanding that faith in Christ’s sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection has secured for them eternal rest, if they will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. Israel was to be a NATION under God. They were to be a NATION who trusted God. They were to be a NATION who walked in His ways and kept His commandments as an example to the surrounding Gentile nations. And the Lord knew that the best way for Israel to walk in His ways and keep His commands, was to witness to the world of His goodness and His grace. If Israel told the world of the promised Messiah it would help them to REMEMBER WHO God is and NEVER FORGET WHAT He has done for them. Christians, in this dispensation of grace, should learn whatever lessons God has to teach us from Israel's experience. We should learn what God wants to teach us we should be careful not to repeat Israel's mistakes. We should REMEMBER WHO God is. We should NEVER FORGET WHAT He has done for us. We should heed His Word and be ready to tell others of the hope that we have in Him. I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, the truths and encouragement that it contains. We see that You were faithful to Israel, despite their many failings, and rejoice to know that You will remain faithful to all who are called by Your name in this Church dispensation. We pray that You would use us in these dark and difficult times, when the world seems to be spiraling out of control, and may we never forget that You are a faithful God Who keeps His promises to a thousand generations. Thank You in Jesus' name, AMEN. Every generation since the creation is familiar with fire, and understands its benefits as well as its dangers. A fire needs fuel to keep it alight and if wood is withheld from the burning embers, then the heat it gives off will die down and the flame will go out! Although fire has many benefits and a wholesome tongue is like a tree of life... that same fire can cause havoc, distress, and devastation. In the same way the tale-bearer, the gossip, the slanderer, and the whisperer, can cause much mischief, but when there is no-one to spread gossip, conflict dies down. Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the wisdom in the book of Proverbs. Help us to take to heart the devastation and destruction that can be caused by careless speech and foolish words. Keep us from participating in any form of talebearing or gossiping. Help us to take to heart this simple truth, that without wood, a fire will go out, and without a gossip, conflict will die down. Purify our hearts and our speech we pray, and may the words of our mouths and the thoughts of our hearts be acceptable to You. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. As Christians we are not only kings and priests, but as God's redeemed children we are called to be like the Bereans who searched the scriptures daily to check the accuracy of what was being taught in their meetings. We are instructed and encouraged to do the same. Some complain of discrepancies or even contradictions in the Word of God.. and others like to allow popular teachers to spoon feed them with a somewhat distorted gospel - but God's word is clear - and His word is altogether true. We are instructed to search out the truth as we read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the whole counsel of God.. so that we may grow in grace, mature in the faith and discover the hidden things of God - secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things He has revealed, belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all that He commands. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word. Thank You for the simple truth of salvation and the things in Your Word that are quickly discernible on the surface of Scripture. Thank You that You have ordained those that seek out the deep things of God through steady study of the Word of God, a heart that is truly teachable.. and a spirit that is thoroughly submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit of God, will discover many hidden truths and secret treasures within Your Word. May we be diligent students and search out those secret things, which are hidden from our view.. in Jesus name we pray, AMEN. The description of God's creation in Genesis 1, introduces us to the essential fullness and the almighty power of God Who is seen working in harmony to bring into existence the heavens, the earth, and all that is therein. The first verse of chapter 2 completes this chronicle of creation which displays the eternal power of God. God saw all that He had made and behold, it was very good, and so we read of the evening and the morning of the sixth day, that final day of God's creative control when He made man in His own image and likeness. God created man to have dominion over His creative masterpiece and indeed it was good - it was very good. The host of earth would compose of plants and trees, herbs and flowers, birds and fish, creeping things and all the great creatures that filled the earth. And man, who was made in the image and likeness of God, would also be part of the host of earth that God created in those six, spectacular days of creation: Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, what a wonderful Creator You are Who formed the heavens and the earth and all the hosts of heaven and earth, in six spectacular days of Your creative power. We praise You for the glory of the heavens and the beauty of the earth and thank You that You made man in Your own image and likeness to have dominion over all that You had made. Thank You, Father, that despite the fall of man and our sinful nature, You purposed to redeem us, return us into fellowship with Yourself, and re-establish man’s rule on earth through the shed blood of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank You that Jesus is the perfect Man Who will rule the earth in righteousness. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. How important that we should put a guard over our lips and tongue, and set our heart to look to the Lord by pouring out our heart to Him and seeking His guidance in all things so that we walk and talk in spirit and truth. Not only should we guard our mouth and be careful that we speak the truth in love and with grace, but we should also bridle our tongue so that we prevent ourselves from speaking hastily or without due thought or consideration. Let us seek to guard our lips and speak words of wisdom and truth that honor the Father in heaven. If our first priority is to acknowledge Him in all things, He will direct all our ways. Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, too often we do not guard our lips and bridle our tongues. Please forgive us. Please help us say and do only those things that are honoring to You. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. The Bible does not set out to prove the existence of God, it states this truth as a fact.. that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Those who choose to deny this truth identify themselves foolish. The sovereign God, Who is Creator of all and in Whom all things have their being, is the logical starting place for human's journey of redemption - as outlined in Scripture. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. God is good and the very first recorded words of our great Creator were spoken on that first day of creation, “let there be light.. and there was light'. Yes, God commanded light to shine out of the darkness on that first day of creation, which He would use to establish day from night. He wanted to ensure that light was distinct from the darkness and so He said: Let there be light and there was light.. But we are always to be on our guard as we journey through life.. for the enemy is a master-counterfeiter.. and no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light seeking to deceive even the elect of God. Praise God that by grace through faith in Christ we are not only children of the light, but God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You that Christ is our light and the light of our lives. Thank You that in Him the blackness in our hearts has been replaced with the light of the gospel of grace and that we have been saved from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of Your Son. May we be a light shining in a dark world as a witness of Your goodness and grace - to Your praise and glory in Jesus name we pray, AMEN. There is much in Scripture that adheres to this truth, the inner motive of a truly broken heart that recognizes its own lack and poverty, insufficiency and helplessness before the Lord, is of far greater value to the Father that the outward trappings of the life that appears to be so beautiful to the outward eye, but which can so often conceal an unclean motive and hypocritical heart. Indeed, it is not the sacrificial acts of a man or woman who desires to be pleasing to the Lord that delights His heart, but the one that walks in spirit and truth, the one that dies to the self-life and lives to Christ, the one that looks to Jesus, the one that abides in Christ, the one that can say, "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling." As we make our way in this world that is increasingly corrupt and self-serving, let us take to heart these wise words. Let us honor the Lord with our thoughts, words, and actions, from this day forth. To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. Our United Prayer:
Loving Father, we do want to please You, but we recognize that simply trusting Your Word, applying it in our lives, and looking to Jesus, is of far greater worth than anything we ourselves can offer You. Keep us low at the Cross, we pray, and keep us broken before You all the days of our lives. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." He created all things and the Word was light. He was the light that lightens every human that comes into the world. There is light and life and power, wonder-working light and life and power in the wonderful Word of God. The world is still in darkness, and it seems to be waxing darker and more evil each day. We who are born of the Spirit do not belong to the night or darkness, but are children of the light. Let us not be like others who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober. We who are sealed by the Spirit of God are children of light, God spoke the Word of light into our darkened lives. Let us live as children of light, for the fruit of His light consists of all that is good and gracious, righteous and true. Let us shine the light of Christ into every area of our lives and into the lives of all we meet in the short time we have left on the earth, for His praise and glory. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Our United Prayer:
Loving Father, You are the Father of light and we thank You that we are Your children. Help us always to walk in the light of Your truth, live in the light of Your love, and reflect the light of the Lord Jesus, in Whose name we pray, AMEN. The human spirit is God's lamp in a dark world of sin and suffering. We are not created with the capacity to shine ourselves - only the Light of Christ within our regenerated human spirit (our new born-again life in Christ), can illuminate the spirit of humans and shed light in a dark world. The lamp is not that Light of God but the vessel through which the Light of Christ may shine - illuminating our hearts and shining forth the Light of Christ and the Love of God to a lost and dying world. But before we can be used effectively by Him, we should welcome His inner scrutiny into our inner being and willingly submit to His searching of our hearts, our hidden thoughts, and our secret motives so that we may be fit vessels to shine forth His Light to others. The human spirit is the lamp of the LORD that sheds light on one’s inmost being. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, what a great joy and privilege it is to know that Your Holy Spirit dwells in the inner sanctuary of our hearts. We pray that You would search us and identify and correct any faults You find within. May our lives be used by You as a lamp, to shine forth the life and light of Christ that dwells in us. In Jesus' name we Pray, AMEN. The earth was created to be beautiful, with great structure and design, and it was spoken into being for a specific and wonderful purpose - for the glory of God. The earth is a profound mystery that was conceived in the heart of the eternal God. It reflects amazing precision, breath-taking complexity, and delicate intricacies. The non-believer has said in their heart 'there is no God', despite the declaration of His mighty power from the heavens above and the powerful testimony of the earth beneath. Evidence of God is also announced through the inner conscience of all... and together with the written Word of God, clear testimony is given to every person of the undeniable truth that, "in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" by the power of His Word. The mystery of His spoken WORD, the power of His written WORD, the wonder of His living WORD, and the grace of the Incarnate WORD - our Lord Jesus Christ. He truly is an amazing God. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Our United Prayer:
Loving Father, as we see Your great wisdom reflected in Your wonderful creation, we want to praise You with our whole being. Thank you for the creative Word-of-God, WHO not only spoke the worlds into being from nothing but died for us, so that we could live – so that we could have life - everlasting life and life more abundantly. Open the eyes of foolish who arrogantly refuse to recognize the truth and acknowledge Jesus as their Creator and gracious Savior, and thank You for all Your never-failing goodness, mercy, and amazing grace towards US. This we pray in Jesus' name, AMEN. "Who can say, 'I have cleansed my heart, I am pure from my sin?'" is a question asked in Proverbs, but the tenor and temperature of this question is such that the answer must be, NO ONE! Nobody can say "I have cleansed my heart and am pure from sin." This may be the boast of the self-righteous moralist or deeply religious-minded Pharisee. Many foolishly consider they are 'good enough' when they compare their 'upright' life with the ungodly practices of their neighbor. This question in Proverbs 20:9 is designed to help us recognize we are sinners in need of cleansing. It is to make each one of us realize our heart is not clean before God, and that no one is pure from their sin or innocent before Him. It is a schoolmaster to point us to Christ, only the Lord can cleanse the hearts of the sinners. No amount of self-effort or self-cleaning can wash away the guilty sin that enchains each one of us. Who can say, “I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin"? Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, how we thank You that through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on the Cross, You have cleansed our hearts, forgiven our sins, and have made us pure within. We thank You that because of Him, we are accepted in the Beloved and clothed with His righteousness. It is in His name we pray, AMEN. There are those that presume in their hearts to elevate themselves, and to become as little gods in their own blinded eyes and bloodied hearts, which are puffed up with pride. There are those that reject the true and living God, preferring to transfer their mindless worship onto other created life-forms, which in their foolish hearts are elevated into the status of a god. But the Lord our God is One, and He alone is worthy to receive true worship, praise, honor, and glory, for He is unique in character, singular in integrity, distinct in graciousness, unparalleled in perfection, and eternal in power. The Lord our God is indeed One, He is pre-eminent. He alone deserves our most humble thanks and our most devoted praise. He uniquely demands our most steadfast heart and our most trusting obedience - for He alone is worthy and to Him belongs all the kingdom, the power, the wisdom, and the glory, both now and forever, Amen. Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. Our United Prayer:
Loving Father there is no one like You and we praise and worship You for Your love towards us. Help us to tear down any false god or foolish idol that we have created in our own imagination. You alone are worthy of our worship, praise, and thanksgiving, and we pray that the rest of our lives may be set aside completely for You, in willing obedience and humble devotion for Your praise and glory. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
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January 2025