We are all God's children and as we grow in grace and in an understanding of His Word of truth, our hearts should be thankful for His goodness and grace. As we mature in the faith and progress in our spiritual walk, we should reflect on the enormous sacrifice that the Lord Jesus Christ made for us on the Cross. As believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are encouraged to develop an attitude of grateful praise and ceaseless thanksgiving to our Father in heaven, our spiritual maturity is reflected in a heart of thanksgiving and praise for all that the Lord has done for us. God knows that thanksgiving and praise are no bedfellows to unforgiveness or fear. He knows that gratitude and rejoicing is no companion of dissatisfaction or murmuring, and so we are encouraged to Give Thanks In Everything, even those difficult, daily circumstances, knowing that His grace is sufficient for those that are in Christ Jesus. As His children, we have benefits and glories beyond our understanding. Let us glorify God by giving thanks in everything, for this is the will of God, for all who are in Christ Jesus. give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Our United Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we grow in grace and in an attitude of thanksgiving for all that you have done for us, in Christ Jesus. Lord, We desire that Your will be done in our lives. We know that it is Your will that we should give thanks in all things, and so we pray that You would develop and refine this exquisite grace of thanksgiving in us. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. Let us all shout joyfully to the Lord and serve Him with gladness. Let us come before Him with joyful singing and know that the Lord Himself is God Almighty Who has made us, and not we ourselves. Praise God that by grace through faith we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Let us enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, and let us give thanks to Him and bless His name, for the Lord is good, His lovingkindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness endures throughout all generations. "Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!" Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day of Thanksgiving and thank You for the Word of Life which is in Christ Jesus. Thank You that You are our Creator and God, our Savior and Redeemer. You alone are worthy of all praise and thanksgiving, and we bless and glorify Your holy name. Thank You that You are a faithful God Who keeps His promises and fulfils His Word and thank You that Your loving-kindness endures forever. Praise Your holy name, AMEN. Prayer is not sitting for a few minutes with hands folded, and eyes shut tight. Prayer is the tool we have been given to prepare us for the work God has called us to do and to ensure that we are well-prepared when faced with a crisis. Prayer is not meant to be saved for a rainy day or only used in an emergency. Prayer is our lifeline to the Lord and we should develop an attitude of ceaseless prayer giving thanks for everything. Continuous, ceaseless, prayer is not being engaged in a prayer closet 24/7, but is developing a habit of prayer. It is initiating a mindset of prayer... of keeping the lines of communication to our heavenly Father open and clean, as we walk in spirit and truth and abide in Christ, moment by moment. "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving." Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we bless You for Your grace and mercy to us. Thank You that we have the right to lay at Your feet our own needs and those of others. Increase our understanding of the great privilege of prayer that has been granted to us and all Your children, and we pray that we increasingly devote our lives to You in prayer, praise, and grateful thanks. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. Peace WITH God is never removed from the man or woman who has trusted in the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.. but once we are saved by grace through faith.. the inner perfect peace OF God which rules our hearts and minds is dependent on us maintaining a right relationship with God. This is achieved through humble praise, reverent prayer, grateful thanks and a submissive heart that has faith in God's Word and trusts that God will keep His word - in all things. May we with one accord let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts day by day and moment by moment.. for it is to this that the body in Christ has been called - and let us in all things be thankful. "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful." Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we pray that the peace of God may rule in our hearts with thanksgiving and praise, and if there is anything in our lives that is preventing Your peace from guarding our hearts today, we pray that You would show us. May we honor You in all we say and do and we pray that we may grow more like the Lord Jesus in our dealings with our brothers and sisters in Christ, so that Your peace may guard our hearts and the peace of Christ may flow through us to others - This we ask in Jesus name, AMEN. Let us bless the Lord. Let us bless our Heavenly Father with every fiber of our being. Let us bless our heavenly King and glorious Savior with all that is within us, and let us never forget ALL His benefits, for He has redeemed our life from the pit and crowned us with loving-kindness and compassion. He satisfies our years with good things and renews our youth like the eagle. He is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in loving-kindness. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits" Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, how we bless and thank You for Your many benefits, Your never-ending grace, and unconditional love. May we sing of Your praise with our whole being, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
We ask you to pray for this ministry, for its success in helping others in need of prayer. Archives
January 2025