“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” God loves us, and knows that we will be happiest when we keep the right perspective in life; and this commandment is like a "wrong way" sign that points our longings in the right direction. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, Please help us to be a contented persons and to not covet things that belong to other people. When you notice that we desire something we should not have, please bring it to our attention, so that we may confess our sin and please you in all we think and do. Thank you. in Jesus name we Pray, Amen. Dearest Father, Please help me to be a contented person and to not covet things that belong to other people. When you notice that I desire something I should not have, please bring it to my attention, so that I may confess my sin and please you in all I think and do. Thank you. Amen. The ninth commandment bars us from committing any act that might bring undeserved suffering on another person. The focus is on our speech, but not exclusively. Words and deeds that unjustly destroy others' reputations, harm them in court, or otherwise promote evil and falsehood are prohibited by the ninth commandment. Our Prayer:
We bow before you Lord. We admire you today as the Source of Truth. Thank you so much for being true, speaking true, and holding fast to your truth. Your Spirit, Lord, helps us know and live truth, and for that we are eternally grateful. We bend our knees at your Son's Throne of Truth. Thank you, Jesus, for being truth in human form. Thank you for living truth your entire lifetime here on earth. Thank you for dying for the sake of truth. You are truly our Savior - the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We repent of our propensity to believe and promote deceit, Lord. we vow to better learn and live your words of truth, found ONLY in our Bible. Open the world's eyes to you, O Jesus, in your name we Pray, Amen. The eighth commandment forbids unjustly taking or keeping the goods of one's neighbor and wronging them in any way with respect to their goods. It commands justice and charity in the care of earthly goods and the fruits of men's labor. We should fear and love God, so that we do not take our neighbor's money or goods, nor get them in any dishonest way, but help them to improve and protect their goods and means of making a living. ''He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that we may have something to share with those in need.'' Our Prayer:
Lord, help us to be prudent with our words and actions. The focus of the Eight commandment is on the need to uphold justice and a false witness obstructs justice. Lord, help us bring justice to every situation that we can. May they know us as being fair and just. In a world where the term justice has been hijacked and misunderstood, our our witness is even more important. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen. “Thou shalt not commit adultery” is the negative. The positive is, “Thou shalt have a great marriage!” Marriage is a covenant not a contract. A contract says, “If you will I will,” but a covenant is a sacrificial commitment saying, “I am committed for better or for worse.” The institution of marriage is God’s plan, not man’s. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, We love God, so that we do not despise preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn from it. ... We should fear and love God, so that we lead a chaste and decent life in word and deed, and that husband and wife each love and honor the other, in Jesus name we Pray, Amen The Bible makes it clear, in both Old and New Testaments, that the taking of another person's life through murder is unacceptable to the Lord - and that the blood of the murdered one cries out to the Lord. "Thou shalt not kill - You shall not commit murder - Do not slay another person." And we, who have the Holy Spirit dwelling within by faith, should ensure that, day by day, our hearts are examined for any evil intent or murderous thought... and cleanse our hearts from all ungodly thoughts which in certain cases translates into murder. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, Your Laws are gracious and good and expose the dark thoughts of the heart that leads to the ungodly works of the devil. Satan was a murderer from the beginning and we understand how the thoughts of the heart can translate into murder - as brutal as an assassin's blade or the terrorist's murderous bomb. Keep our minds pure and focused on the Lord and we pray that our hearts may reflect the grace and love of God for our fellow men and that many may come to faith as we testify of Your goodness and love. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN By God's perfect design we were placed in families. May we honor the father and mother who brought us into this world and those that influenced us in our lives for good. May we strive to walk in spirit and truth all the days of our life - and ensure that every day is lived in right relationship with our Heavenly Father - Who loves us so much that He sent His dearly loved Son to die on the Cross so that we might live in Him - by faith. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for our parents and for giving us life. Thank You for the lessons we have learned and the good times we have shared together. Forgive us for the times when we have not honored our fathers and mothers as we ought to - for we are aware that this is dishonoring to You. From this day forward, we pray that we may honor You in all our interactions with our families and friends, and may our lives be honoring to You. This we pray in Jesus' name, AMEN. The fourth commandment forbids failing to do or carelessly doing what we are supposed to do. It also forbids treating the day as unholy by loafing, by doing anything in itself sinful, or by unnecessary thinking, talking about, or working on our worldly affairs or recreations. When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, one of His commandments was to “remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8). The word Sabbath comes from a Hebrew word that means “to rest from labor.” The word holy means something that is sacred or dedicated to God. Our Prayer:
Lord forgive, for so easily ignoring one of your Ten Commandments. Teach us how we who know you through Christ might faithfully and gracefully remember the Sabbath. Help us to consider this commandment with our friends, families, and churches. May we discover how to rest so that we might enjoy deeper relationships with you and with each other, in Jesus name we Pray, Amen. If you profess your faith by displaying Christian symbols (crosses in the yard, fish on your vehicle), you are lifting up his name. Perhaps you lift up his name by using your Christian faith to promote your business. If you lift up his name in word or symbol but willfully sin (e.g., hate your neighbor or deal unethically in business), this is using the Lord’s name in vain by blemishing his reputation. Salvation is by the grace of God. The blood of Christ covers our sins. If you believe, have faith and trust, but don’t follow his commandments, who is going to believe you? Moreover, how can you proclaim that Christ is the way, the truth and the life if you don’t live as Christ commands and honor his holy name? Believers in Christ are to lift up God’s reputation honorably and in truth. After all, it is we who represent Him on earth. Our Prayer:
Father in Heaven, we give glory, honor, and praise to Your holy name. We bless and worship You. You are the God of all creation; all power, wisdom, and knowledge are in You. You are the God of holiness, mercy, and love. Father, in the name of Jesus, who died and rose again, We stand in agreement with the believers who Love and Fellowship in your name. We are a blessed people, the way is made, and the door is open to all. We shall experience great love in our lives to share with others, in Jesus name we Pray, Amen Other gods can also constitute things we place higher than God in our lives. The Bible defines these as idols, and they can be anything from money and possessions to food and working out or people and relationships. Anything or anyone we place above God is another god. We are God's people, set apart to live according to his ways." His ways are not our ways. Our tendencies are to cave to the cravings of our flesh and fall prey to the thinking they will give us the comfort and happiness we need. God is faithful to bless us in this life, but there is no blessing bigger and more important than the source of the blessing. Our marriages, best friends, jobs, houses, habits, and hobbies all take a backseat to the One who numbers our days. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word and that truths that it contains. Thank You for Your faithfulness and thank You that in Your grace the Lord Jesus came to fulfil the Law and the prophets and to die on the cross so that that a new and better covenant might be implemented - so that whosever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life. Thank You in Jesus name we Pray. AMEN Love is the peak and pinnacle of a life that is hid with Christ in God. And when all is brought to completion there remains these three: Faith and Hope and Love - but the greatest of all is LOVE. 1st Commandment is the first commandment. It is the greatest of all commands, for it means to love the Lord and seek Him with a passion for Who He is and not for any other motives. It is to find our sole satisfaction in Him alone and to strive with every fiber of our being to love Him more and more. Our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we know that our love is weak and cold by comparison with Your yearning heart of love towards us which is expressed in the incredible gift of the Lord Jesus as our Savior. We want to love You more and more with every facet of our lives, in thought and word and deed - spirit, soul, and body. Pour into our hearts Your holy love, that we may be used as a channel of blessing through whom Your precious love flows out to those that we meet today and every day. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
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January 2025