If world leaders of today were to understand this simple truth, and if they were to apply this verse in their own political decisions of government, they would soon discover the validity of this uncomplicated, yet profound truth - for even human wisdom is more beneficial than human folly. And in like manner, applying the wisdom of God in every area of our life, is far superior to adopting worldly strategies in overcoming evil. The wisdom of a believer and the weapons of a Christian's warfare, are rooted and grounded in Christ alone, and become increasingly effective as we stand on the promises of God, heed His instructions, and abide in our position in Christ He is our wisdom and in Him, we gain the victory. God, Himself, gave us a valuable lesson through the Cross of Christ, where the wisdom of God was triumphant over the infernal weapons of the enemy. The wisdom of the Cross is foolishness to those that are perishing, had the satanic principalities and powers known the victory that would be wrought through Calvary, they would never have crucified the Lord. Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, endow us with wisdom and discernment from on high we pray, we know that the spiritual battle in which we are engaged will not be victorious through man's skills and the strategies of this fallen world system, but are only supplied by grace, through trusting in You, and standing firm on the Word of God. Thank You that in Him we have all we need for life and godliness, and thank You for the spiritual armor which has been provided for our protection. Father, we know that the battle is the Lord's and we desire to carry out Your plans and purposes for our lives. Give us the wisdom we need to stand firm in these days, and help us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, and our hearts ready to obey Your call. This we ask in His precious name, AMEN. Both purity of heart and graciousness of speech are character traits we should all seek to develop, but neither are possible in our own strength. Purity and grace only comes through the power of the Lord Jesus, but in Him we have everything we need for life- purity, goodness, and grace. May our speech be gracious and pleasant at all times, seasoned as it were with salt, so we may speak the truth in love. May we encourage and edify our brothers and sisters in Christ, with gracious words and pure deeds - so we remain in close fellowship with our heavenly Father and become the living testimony to our fellow man. One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king for a friend. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, what a wealth of truth there is in the book of Proverbs. Thank You for reminding us that You desire purity of heart and graciousness of speech in Your blood-bought children. May the words of our mouths, the meditation of our hearts, the actions we undertake, and the motives behind all we do, be pleasing in Your sight. Purify our hearts we pray Heavenly Father and We pray that all our words may be seasoned with salt and spoken in love for Your greater praise and glory. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. Too often, we have a perception of how God will answer our prayers and when our petitions should be answered, but God's ways are not always our ways and His timings do not always coincide with our eager expectations. But His way and His timings are always the best for each life. He knows the way we should take. Let us reflect the prayer-life of our own, let us be an example of ones who pray regularly, systematically, faithful and expectantly, and who cries, "In the morning, O LORD, You will hear our voices; in the morning we will order our prayers to You and eagerly watch." In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your mercies which are new every morning. Help us to be regular, systematic, orderly, and faithful in our prayer-lives. May we come into Your presence with joyful expectation, knowing that You are a God Who hears and answers prayers in Your own way and in Your own time. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. We have a wonderful God and throughout His Word we see over and again His loving-kindness, tender-mercies, and patient-endurance flowing out to His children and guiding us along the right pathway. We do not deserve it but He is true to His word and has promised never to leave us and always to lead and guide us in the way we should go, even during those times when we prove faithless – even on those occasions when we deliberately disobey Him or try to work things out in our own strength. Christ is the Way and Christ is our Guide. Christ is the Path, and He is our constant Companion. He is the Rock of our salvation - our Defense and our Deliverer. Let us learn to listen to the Word of the Lord and hearken to His voice behind us - leading us, guiding us, directing us, and telling us which is the way that we should go, so that we are not tempted to turn to the right hand nor to the left – but keep our eyes on Jesus and our ears open to His still, small voice of love. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Our United Prayer:
Loving Father, we praise and thank You for Your faithfulness, even when we are faithless. We long to tune the ears of our hearts to Your promptings and to always listen to Your voice. Thank You that You are always there to hold us steady when the enemy of our souls seeks to entrap us. More than anything we thank You for sending Jesus to be our Savior and our Friend; our Way and our Lives, our Guide and our Comforter - our constant Companion and the Rock of our salvation - in Whose name we pray, AMEN. The maturing Christian must not only speak the truth in love, but practice their faith in every aspect of their life. We are to live the truth of the gospel of Christ in each and every situation that may arise. We are not simply to believe in a statement of faith with our intellectual mind, but we are to live out our personal, trusting faith in Christ in every aspect of our daily lives. We do this by the way that we live, by the words we say, and by the actions that we carry out. We also do this by our attitudes and our behavior, the inner thoughts of our mind, and the hidden motives of the heart. Like Christ we too are to walk in spirit and in truth and to live our lives in total submission and humble obedience to the Holy Spirit of God. Like our heavenly Lord, we too are to become a servant of all, without fear and without favor, without prejudice and without discrimination, without cultural bigotry, perceived biases, or hidden prejudices so that in Him we bring glory of His holy name, and bring others into His everlasting kingdom. My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we pray that Jesus might be seen in us and that, in the power of the Holy Spirit, all we say and do will be done to Your honor and glory. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. In this verse, Paul was not reintroducing himself to the believers, nor was he trying to blow his own trumpet or elevate himself in their eyes. He was simply reminding them that his conduct, while living in their midst, should be a sufficient recommendation as to his character, his motive, and the gospel he taught... compared with the legalists who relied on letters of commendation to endorse their ministry. How important to remember that it is not the praise of others that should be our motivation to live godly lives, but a desire to honor our Lord through the life that we live, so that we make a Godly impact to those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ. With many people and churches today, there are leaders and preachers that wish to be recognized for their work as they should only in the Lord's eyes, not in the eyes of their leadership role, congregation or mission. Those leaders are not leading in a Godly way, they have not taken Paul's word from God and applied it in their own lives. Christians do not seek attention from others, we lead others to a Christian life without letters of recommendation by living our lives that is pleasing to our Lord. Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You that there is nothing we can do to commend ourselves to You because Jesus did it all on the Cross, on our behalf. Thank You that by faith in His death and resurrection we have been declared righteous and have been brought into the family of God. Keep us from any legalistic leanings and give us discernment to identify and reject teachers and teachings that are not from You. We pray that our lives may make a Godly impact to our fellow believers and to You, and help us to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus day by day. This we ask in His precious name, AMEN. Just as in the days of Job, the devil continues to act like as a roaring lion, walking up and down on the earth and going to and from seeking whom he may devour, for he is still the accuser of the saints - and we are called to be sober and vigilant and to resist him by standing firm in the faith, as did Job, and to equip ourselves with the full armor of God when the enemy seeks to overwhelm us. Stand firm therefore, having girded our loins with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. In addition, take up the shield of faith with which we will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of evil. Let us put on the helmet of salvation and take hold of the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God - and pray, with all prayer and petition - at all times in the Spirit. “Skin for skin!” Satan replied. “A man will give all he has for his own life. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the many examples of those of faith who resisted the devil and stood firm in the evil day. We pray that like Job, Paul, and others, we too would stand firm in the truth of the gospel of God and trust in Your unfailing love. Thank You that we have been equipped with the whole armor of God and that His grace is sufficient to deal with all the fiery darts of evil. Thank You for our position in Christ and we pray that we would live and work to honor Your name, AMEN. How often we stand perplexed that God does not punish the wicked but seems to allow them to be acquitted of their wrongdoing and even rewarded for their evil works. Those who are not credited with righteousness because of their lack of trust in the Almighty, are living in spiritual darkness because their soul is not right within themselves, for they are not trusting God's Word. Those who are proud and self-important, foster pride in their heart. They rely on their own inner strength, power, talent, and wisdom. These are ungodly fools who deny their Creator. They are not credited with righteousness because they have not believed the truth. HOWEVER, the righteous ones will live by their faith, which may be better translated 'the justified-by-faith ones - SHALL LIVE'. The one who is justified in the eyes of God, will live. Praise God that WE, who have believed in Christ Jesus, are justified by faith in Christ. How thankful that we are not justified by our own good works or legalistic practices carried out in our own strength, since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified. “Look at the proud! They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked. But the righteous will live by their faithfulness to God. Our United Prayer:
Thank You, Father, for the wonderful truth that the justified man and woman will live, because of their faith. Thank You for those who have continued to teach this truth down through the centuries. How we thank You, heavenly Father, that because we are justified by faith, we will live eternally with the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that having been justified as Your free and forever gift of grace, we may live every day of our lives by faith, by trusting in You and not relying on our own strength or abilities. May our life be honoring to You and a testimony of Your goodness and grace to those with whom we come in contact. This we ask in Jesus' precious name, AMEN. So much in the Christian walk seems to be opposite to all that the Word of God says, and the suffering that we face in this world is no exception. We are told in many places the reasons and benefits of suffering and are given many examples of people who faced severe trials in their lives, but who came to prevail. It may be Satan that throws suffering our way in an attempt to bring out the worst in us and wreck our faith in the Lord, but it is God Who takes our suffering and turns it into a test for good, our faith is always tested by God in order to bring the very best in us. If we can consider the obstacles of life to be opportunities that mature our faith and produce in us patient endurance, we will come to understand that God is using the trials of life to benefit our Christian character, and to help us grow more like the Lord Jesus. When troubles come our way, let us consider it an opportunity for great joy, knowing that when our faith is tested, our patient endurance has a chance to grow and our life will glorify our Father. because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we desire to grow in grace and become more like Jesus. We are beginning to understand that in this life, we will have testing's and trials. We pray that You will keep us steady in the trials of life. Thanks be to God that by the power of the Holy Spirit, the testing of our faith will develop perseverance in us. May we come forth in perseverance, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. Our God is a God of love and mercy, but He is also a God of justice and righteous judgement and when His people who are called by His name are sinful, idolatrous, disobedient, and rebellious, the inevitable result is their justified punishment. But God is a God of loving-kindness, great-goodness, and generous grace. He is long-suffering and full of mercy as well as being holy, righteous, just, and a principled judge. It is good to be watchmen on the wall who warn the ungodly about the coming of God - which Scripture calls 'the Time of Jacob's Trouble'. Let us seek discernment from the Lord, knowing that He has revealed to us all what we need for life and godliness in His written Word. But let us be wary of those self-proclaimed, latter-day prophets, that proclaim 'knowledge' that is adding to, subtracting from, or altering God's final Word, about whom we are so frequently warned in the Word of God. Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your prophetic Word and the truths that You have shared with us through Your servants, the prophets. Thank You for Your incarnate Word - the Lord Jesus Christ. Help us to read and understand all that is going on in these days. We pray that we may be the ones that sounds the warning of the coming wrath of God on this Christ-rejecting, sinful world, and point them to the Word of God which contains all that we need for life and godliness. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN. The people of God and the nations of the world are encouraged to proclaim the wonders of His name and to cry aloud together, "The LORD reigns!" for He is clothed with majesty and might. The Lord is robed in light, and He has girded Himself with strength and power. The heavens declare His glory, and the world also is established, so that it cannot be moved. But the expression of God's glory, which must warrant our eternal rejoicing, is found in the gracious person of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should praise the Lord and give Him the thanks that are due to Him, for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, “The LORD reigns!” Our United Prayer:
Praise Your name, O Lord most high. we glorify your wonderful creative powers, but we wonder more at the amazing grace that You have shown to us in dying for us on Calvary’s cross. We pray that You will use us to tell others the glories of Your name, in the place where You have planted us. In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN. All Christians are commanded to walk by faith and not by sight. We are instructed to pray in confident faith, by maintaining an unshakable trust in the Word of God, and by standing on His precious promises, which provide all we need according to His riches in mercy, when we choose to walk in spirit and truth, and maintain unhindered access to the throne of God, Some may wonder how we can know God's will, and how can we be sure that we are praying in accordance with His plans and purposes? Well, the Word of God is the greatest indicator of the will of God - not only for us individually but also for the wider world. God is no respecter of persons and all believers have been given the same opportunity to walk in newness of life and allow Christ to be formed in us. The more we live for His praise and glory, align our thoughts to the mind of Christ, and keep our fleshly self nailed to the Cross, the more we find that we pray according to the will of our heavenly Father and the greater will be our confidence that He will hear and answer our prayers. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we trust You for our salvation and desire to walk in spirit and truth, to abide daily in Christ, and to live in unbroken fellowship with You in the days we have left of our lives. We know You are a God that hears and answers the prayers of the righteous, and we pray that we would increasingly offer up our prayers and supplications according to Your will, so that You may be honored in our prayer-lives, and glorified through the words that we speak, the meditations of our hearts, and the daily activities and actions that we live out, according to Your will. This we pray in Jesus' name, AMEN. The fallen ones who live in a fallen world, will sometimes look around and wonder where God is in all our difficulties and pain and cry out, "Who will show us any good?" But all good and perfect gifts are from our faithful Father in heaven, and all the evil that has engulfed this fallen world has its root in sin. As people of God, we too can have difficulty with evil, pain, disasters, and distresses in life, but we know that our God is a faithful God who is full of loving-kindness towards us. Praise God that sin shall not have dominion over us, and our Savior has already broken the power of sin and death in our life - for God in His grace chose to conquer sin, death, and hell, by sending His only begotten Son to become the propitiation for our sins. Many, LORD, are asking, “Who will bring us prosperity?” Let the light of your face shine on us. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, we praise You that You are a faithful God and pray that You would lift up Your Shining Face upon us, O Lord, and give us Your peace in our hearts, this day and forevermore, AMEN. God gave the first witness of His Son's authenticity at His baptism when He spoke these beautiful words from heaven: "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased," when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Lord Jesus Christ and remained upon Him throughout His earthly ministry. Eternal life is a gift from God to all who believe in Christ, not a reward for our work or make amends for our merit. Eternal life is IN Christ, He is our life. Eternal life is not just from Him but is in Him - and He who has the Son has life, but whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life: And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the glorious gospel and the truth that it contains. Thank You that we have life in Christ, by grace, through trusting in His shed blood at Calvary. How we praise Your name that we have received eternal life and that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord and our Lives. In Jesus' name, AMEN. This verse causes some Christians some concern. We fear that if we do not demonstrate good works in our life, our faith is dead - which we interpret to mean that we have lost our eternal salvation. However, when the whole council of God is sought, it is very evident this position conflicts with the vast majority of Scripture which clearly teaches that we are saved by grace, through faith - and not by works lest anyone should boast. May we follow in the path of spiritual Christians and never forget that the Lord Jesus, is our pattern for life. Jesus is the One believers are instructed to follow. Live by faith and carry out good works by faith so that we demonstrate a living faith to the glory of God. Let's all live and work the works of God in HIS power and for HIS glory, for the rest of our days. In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus and the example He set in His life of a Man Who fulfilled the redemptive work that You had prepared for Him to do, willingly and in the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray that we may work the works of God and demonstrate a living faith that honors Your holy name. We pray that we will not try to carry out dead works in our own strength but rather that we will demonstrate a living faith using Jesus as the pattern for our Christian walk. This we ask in Jesus' name, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
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September 2024