It is the all-encompassing grace of God that is so treasured by believers, for having made peace with God we are enabled to receive the peace of God in our hearts and the ability to grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ: "For the grace of God has appeared," instructing us, guiding us, teaching us, and conforming us, day by day, into the likeness of Christ. Grace must always precede peace, for it is only by His grace that the sinner may have peace with God. And it is only by His grace that the believer can access His grace, continue in grace, and grow in grace so that we may have the peace of God which passes all understanding guarding our hearts and minds, as we live in Christ Jesus our Lord and His grace and peace is reflected in us. Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Our United Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your grace and peace has been poured out on us in such abundance and on all who trust in the Lord Jesus. Thank You for Your saving grace, Your sanctifying grace, Your continuing grace, and Your all-encompassing grace. Thank You that we not only have peace with God, but that Your peace guards our hearts as we look to Jesus and focus on Him. In Jesus' name, AMEN. |
We are a growing group of people praying daily for and with others. We were led to start an online ministry to deliver what is needed more now than ever, a place where you can go to easily to submit a prayer request or requests involving others to pray for your needs. The Power of Prayer. Matthew 18:20- For where two or more come together in my name, there I am among them. You are never alone in prayer. The Power Of Numbers Praying.
We ask you to pray for this ministry, for its success in helping others in need of prayer. Archives
January 2025